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KJP CAUGHT Misleading Reporters on DOJ Searching Biden’s Home



On Friday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre was asked about what was going on with Biden’s home, the documents found out it, and his trip to a beach house instead of the hosue with the classified documents in it, with a reporter asking:

And one last really quick question. The President going to his home in Rehoboth Beach today — does that have anything to do with classified documents being found at Wilmington and none being found at Rehoboth?

KJP, in response, said:

So, as it relates to classified documents, information which the President takes very, very seriously — and you’ve heard him speak to it when he was asked by your colleagues yesterday when he was traveling in California — I would refer you to the White House Counsel Office for any statement coming from here or — or anything — new developments coming from here.

But as — and as it relates specifically to the investigation, I would refer you to the Department of Justice, so I’m not going to — not going to comment on that piece at all from here. I’m just going to continue to be prudent and consistent and respect the Department of Justice process.

As it relates to his travel, as you know, he often travels to Delaware on the weekends. I just don’t have anything else to share. But anything related to the legal process, I would refer you to the White House Counsel Office.

So, to summarize, KJP was attempting to frame the trip as just another Biden weekend jaunt over to his beach house…despite the chilly winter conditions. Well that turned out to be significantly misleading when the Biden White House announced the very next day that more documents had been found…at the Wilmington, DE house that Biden had avoided going to.

The documents situation was announced by Bob Bauer, the attorney of President Joe Biden, who said, in a statement, that “Yesterday, DOJ completed a thorough search of all the materials in the President’s Wilmington home. It began at approximately 9:45 AM and concluded at around 10:30 PM and covered all working, living and storage spaces in the home.”

Continuing, Bauer added that “DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials, some of which were from the President’s service in the Senate and some of which were from his tenure as Vice President. DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years.”

So, KJP was caught in her misleading answer just a few hours later. Biden wasn’t taking just any beach trip, as she tried to suggest. He was getting out of DC before yet another saga in the story unfolded and he had to avoid his house because the DOJ was scouring it for yet more classified documents. And it was his own attorney that announced that, exposing the lie in, or at least misleading nature of, KJP’s statement.