Walmart, arguably one of the largest retail stores in the United States, has just revealed itself to be an enemy to pre-born children in the womb, as a newly leaked memo says the company is going to start paying for its employees to have abortions if out of state travel is required.
This is disgusting in just about every way imaginable, and while Walmart is certainly not the only major corporation or retailer to take this step, it feels like middle America has been betrayed by one of its own, as the store is such a staple in the heartland of the country. Yes, I know it’s nationwide, but it got its start in Arkansas.
According to The Daily Wire, a memo dated Aug. 19 was sent out from Chief People Officer Donna Morris to all associates based in the United States and global officers, saying, “effective immediately, the Walmart self-insured healthcare plans will cover abortion when there is a health risk to the mother, rape or incest, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or lack of fetal viability.”
The memo then goes on to say, “given how recent events are resulting in state by state healthcare environments, we will expand our travel coverage.”
“We’ll provide travel support for our associates and their covered dependents so they can access services covered by our Walmart self-insured plan when they are not available within 100 miles of their location,” the memo stated.
One associate who works for the retailer, speaking under a condition of anonymity with the Daily Wire, went on to say that it is “disappointing to see Walmart go the way of the rest of corporate America by condoning and funding a procedure that ends a human life.”
“Walmart is a family company patronized by millions of Americans who don’t want their go-to retailer taking a position on abortion,” the associate continued. “Walmart says they reflect the communities they serve. If that’s true, they should not take a stance on such a divisive issue.”
The memo is a response to the Supreme Court decision that was handed down back in June that overturned Roe v. Wade, which resulted in the power to regulate abortion back to where it belonged: the states.
This is because abortion regulation is not something that the Constitution mentions as a power set aside by the states for the federal government. Therefore, according to the Tenth Amendment, anything to do with regulation of the practice is reserved for the states. Pretty simple and clear.
When the Daily Wire attempted to reach out to Walmart to inquire about the memo, there was no immediate response.
Why are so many corporations siding with pro-abortionists on this issue? Is it because the upper echelons of these companies are now infected with progressives who are pushing their worldview on fellow employees?
That is no doubt some of it. However, it seems the full reality can be explained by the fact that people have been convinced by the left that they have a right to have sex, unprotected, without consequences, thus, they would rather forsake personal responsibility and murder out of convenience.
Welcome to our world, circa 2022.