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Watch: LeBron James Admits He’s “Woke” As He Obsesses Over 50 Year-Old Jerry Jones Photo



NBA superstar and social justice warrior firebrand LeBron James is no longer even trying to hide his opinions anymore after he came out in a video blatantly admitting he’s a member of the woke mob…

In a recent video, LeBron James came out as ‘woke’ while also claiming that athletes and people in the industry need to hold NFL owner, Jerry Jones ‘accountable’ for his actions.

LeBron’s latest comments come after the NBA superstar made an appearance on the Amazon Prime “Thursday Night Football” simulcast with “The Shop” a media group that LeBron is apart of. This simulcast took place after LeBron’s Los Angeles Lakers took a crucial win over the Portland Trailblazers. Check out what he had to say below:

“The media is so quick to hold us athletes – especially Black athletes – accountable,” LeBron said completely playing the victim card.


“We can’t make mistakes. We can’t do this. They want to bring up everything. I want to hold the media accountable… I’m just holding them accountable and letting them know that I see (them). I am definitely ‘woke,’ that’s for sure,” LeBron said.

woke bishop

The specific controversy that James is referencing is a story that was done by the Washington Post which pictured Jones in high school at the age of 15. Jones was pictured standing with a group of white students advocating for segregation and attempted bar a group of black kids from entering the school.

LeBron showed his fury about the situation when he spoke out criticizing the media for reporting against Kyrie Irving and his anti-semitic comments and not reporting on Jerry Jones’ controversy.

“I was wondering why I haven’t gotten a question from you guys about the Jerry Jones photo, but when the Kyrie thing was going on, you guys were quick to ask questions about that,” LeBron said at a press conference.

Jones recently responded to LeBron’s comments which are featured below:

“First of all, you have to hear me say how much I think of LeBron,” Jones told 105.3 The Fan on their radio show.

“I don’t know of anybody that I respect more. I don’t know of anybody that has taken every opportunity he’s had and maximized it. Not only [has he been] a great ambassador for sport, he has taken sports, he has taken his venues, and used those platforms…”

“Certainly, he has influence, and just because of all of the above. His accomplishments, how he’s utilized his sport and how he’s utilized his platform. How we have done it. He has enhanced basketball, he’s made a lot of people a lot of money. I hope I have too,” Jones concluded.

Woke-ism has become a self-eating disease which is currently getting A LOT of Democrats in trouble for their words in actions.

Just recently in LeBron’s home town, a rising Democrat star got into a career ending BRAWL with a voter after his racist comments. To view that story, CLICK HERE.