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Liberal On ‘The Five’ Launches Attack On Tulsi Gabbard; Judge Jeanine Puts Her Back In Her Place



Judge Jeanine Pirro is not the kind of person to hold back her thoughts and feelings on a particular subject, nor is she afraid to take a liberal acting a fool and put him or her back in their proper place. Which is exactly what she did on a recent edition of Fox News’ “The Five,” when liberal co-host Jessica Tarlov crossed a line after launching an attack against former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

Earlier in the week, Gabbard announced she would be leaving the Democratic Party. Honestly, this wasn’t a big surprise. The former presidential candidate is more of a centrist than a diehard liberal progressive and has often lamented here party’s severe turn to the far left.

Tarlov was responding to Gabbard’s statement that the Democratic Party “is under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers who are driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoking anti-white racism.”

“I think the Democratic Party leaders, people like Hillary Clinton,  people who’ve been in charge for a very long time, foment this kind of culture of fear and like, hey, if you go against us, like you’re dead, you’re on the s—t list” Gabbard stated on Tuesday during an interview with Joe Rogan that was published on Twitter, according to The Western Journal.

Tarlov went on to say that Gabbard leaving the party was no big loss.

“She has been vindictive and spiteful and angry towards Democrats. She’s attacked our infrastructure. She’s, I thought, certainly in the last primary, in the 2020 primary, that she would have been a lot happier if Donald Trump had ended up winning. And she does things that are completely inexplicable,” she stated during the show.

Tarlov then added that Gabbard must have been guilty of something as former President Donald Trump, and his then-adviser Steve Bannon had talked with her about a potential job in the administration after he was elected to office in 2016.

woke bishop

“Well, if you’re a Democratic official and Steve Bannon and Donald Trump think that you’re aces and they want to meet with you and maybe consider you for being in the administration, you are doing something wrong,” she remarked.

And that’s about the time that Pirro got off the bench and jumped in the game.

“What about the 75 million Americans who don’t mind being connected to Donald Trump who voted for [him]? Is there something wrong with them?” she fired back.

“Some of them, like Steve Bannon,” Tarlov replied.

“Oh, cut it out,” Pirro said, going on to add, “Oh, come on. That’s not, that’s not intellectual.”

“We just spoke about the Democrats’ vice president that they chose based on identity politics, a woman who can’t get out of her own way to discuss anything, what she has, the power she has, the ability to get things done in this country and in the world. She is a half-wit compared to other vice presidents. That’s number one,” the judge said.

“You’ve got Tulsi Gabbard, who put her life on the line for this country, compared to the half-wit that we have as vice president who can’t even address the issue she’s supposed to,” Pirro stated.

Judge Jeanine said that she believes Gabbard was telling the gospel truth when she came after party leaders.

“Let me tell you something, I give her credit for calling out what happened with the Democratic Party, the DNC, when Bernie Sanders was edged out by Hillary Clinton when she got the questions from what’s her name, who said that we were criticizing her because she’s a good Christian woman. What was her name? Donna Brazile,” she commented.

“I mean, let’s talk turkey. You want to talk turkey? Let’s talk turkey. This woman, Tulsi Gabbard, … she is … educated and she is far from vindictive, spiteful, and angry. You call her those things? I have never… “ Judge Jeanine said.

“You just called the vice president a half-wit,” Tarlov interjected.

Um, well, uh, hate to tell you this Tarlov, but the vice president is indeed a half-wit. I’d go a bit farther than that and say she’s a no-wit, but Pirro is nicer than I am.

“She is a half-wit!” Pirro fired off.

“Let me tell you something,” Pirro said, speaking to Tarlov. “Your own party makes fun of [Kamala Harris]. Your own party runs away from her. I have never seen Tulsi Gabbard raise her voice and she put her life on the line. So don’t you dare criticize her.”

Has Tarlov never watched a clip of Harris since she took over the office of Vice President? Everything that she says is a bumble-jumble of words and phrases that resemble a word salad rather than coherent thoughts on important issues facing the country.

It’s perfectly acceptable to make-fun of politicians like Biden or Harris.