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Liberal Takes Trip To Talk To Trump Supporters, He Didn’t Expect What Happened Next



We live in a day and age where everyone has become divided along political lines, thanks in large part to the efforts of the radicals within the Democratic Party. These far-left individuals want to destroy our country and rebuild it according to the blueprint of Karl Marx. That is a mission much easier to accomplish when people are at each other’s throats and not united as one, fighting for the common values of a shared culture.

Americans have lost sight of the fact that we all care about the same things, the same issues, we just have different ways of solving the problems facing our country. Liberals and conservatives both want to end poverty. We both want to see health care costs lowered. And that’s just two issues. It’s easy to see we have common ground concerning goals for the future. However, our way of achieving those goals is very different. But still, finding common ground with one another is important to the survival of our republic.

This is something a California man learned this past weekend after he decided to take action and reach across the aisle politically. According to Fox News, the young man attended a rally of Trump supporters in Tennessee with the goal in mind to have conversations with those who showed up to support the former president and make 100 new friends. We need more people like this guy.

Samuel Donner, the man who runs “100New Friends” on TikTok, sat down for a conversation with “Fox & Friends” Tuesday where he shared his story after a video of his experience at the rally went viral.

“Growing up in L.A., you think that these events are going to be like, very aggressive,” Donner went on to tell show host Steve Doocy. “I was absolutely baffled that people wanted to talk and would actually be friends with me.”

The viral video featured some highlights from some of the conversations that Donner had with Trump supporters, showcasing many of them agreeing to be his friends. There was even one who invited the young man to attend a Bible study. This is not the kind of thing the mainstream media wants the general public to hear. So-called journalists — more aptly referred to as propagandists — have worked exceedingly hard in crafting a narrative that paints Trump supporters as insurrectionists, dangerous homegrown terrorists, and as our own president, Joe Biden stated last week, “enemies of the state.”

Donner went on to say that the interactions he had with Trump supporters actually changed how he views the nation as a whole, also noting that it challenged how he thought of Trump supporters too.

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“We’re just trying to find common ground between humans,” Donner went on to say during the interview. “And I think at the end of the day, humans have a lot more common ground than we’re led to believe. If you can start those conversations, you can actually understand where that common ground is.”

Initially, the young man thought none of those attending the rally would want to speak to him since he’s a liberal.

“There were a couple of people who didn’t want to talk to me, but overall, everyone was super-friendly,” he recalled.

And it’s likely the few who didn’t want to talk to him were afraid that what they said would be edited out of context and used to make them look foolish or evil somehow. That’s a genuine, valid concern. It’s happened time and time again by “professional” journalists in the media, so why wouldn’t that happen with someone running a social media account?

It’s nice to see the overall charity and goodwill extended to Donner. There’s still hope for the future of America after all, despite the efforts of the left to make us hate each other.