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LOL: Biden Gets Even More Bad News as Leftist “Activists” Turn on Him Over This Recent Statement



If there was one group that you would think Team Biden would be doing its best not to infuriate right now, it would be the committed leftists.

As Republicans remain staunchly against him, Independents turn against him over the economic pain they’re feeling thanks to Bidenflation and rising gas prices, and even moderate Democrats get more and more fed up with the state of things under his administration, the far left has stood by him; they’re his remaining voter block and he needs to keep them on his side.

But he’s done more or less the exact opposite, infuriating the far-left “activists” with a recent statement delivered by his communications director, Kate Beddingfield, who said that he intended on helping people, not appeasing activists. In her words:

Joe Biden’s goal in responding to Dobbs is not to satisfy some activists who have been consistently out of step with the mainstream of the Democratic Party.

“It’s to deliver help to women who are in danger and assemble a broad-based coalition to defend a woman’s right to choose now, just as he assembled such a coalition to win during the 2020 campaign.

“The president has been showing his deep outrage as an American and executing his bold plan — which is the product of months of hard work — ever since this decision was handed down.

Well, predictably, that infuriated the activists, who felt betrayed and demeaned by Biden despite being his remaining base of support.

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And so one of those “activists”, former 2020 National Coalitions Director for President Biden and Vice President Harris Ashley Allison, appeared on CNN to slam Biden for the statement, saying:

I was disappointed in that statement, as an activist, as someone — she nodded to the coalition that Joe Biden built. I ran the Coalitions Department on that campaign. Guess who was a part of that coalition? Activists.

“And 2020, when people took to the streets because of the death of George Floyd, it invigorated the base in a way that allowed us to have record turnout. Now, yes, we were fighting an authoritarian president like Donald Trump, but these people going into the street saying that we need bodily autonomy, that is the excitement that Democrats need right now ahead of the midterms.

And to demonize them and say they’re not mainstream, well, abortion is a very popular issue in the country, and it goes across Democratic and Republican lines. I think it was an unforced error and I hope they address it. I’m not sure they will, but it — I took offense to it. And a lot of people have.

Biden is in dire straights and needs all the help he can possibly get. Unfortunately for him, he appears to have just swatted away the one hand still willing to help him.

Looks like that 2022 red wave really is inbound, as the Democrats just can’t figure out what they stand for or stop infighting.

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