LOL: Crazy NBC Contributor Claims “Cult” Is Forming around This GOP Star
Remember how Trump’s popularity was really a “cult of personality”, at least according to the looney left that was always doing its best to slander and discredit him?
Well now that accusation is back about a different rising star in the GOP, with NBC News National Security Contributor Frank Figliuzzi telling SiriusXM host Dean Obeidallah on Obeidallah’s radio show that all of Trump’s most ardent fans, the so-called “cult of personality” that’s in his camp, is now switching sides and forming a different cult, this time around DeSantis.
Obeidallah kicked that off, claiming that Trump supporters are switching over to DeSantis and claiming that people are threatening him for insulting DeSantis, presenting conservatives as violent and ignoring the left’s violent rage, whether the BLM riot type of violence or the assassination attempt on Kavanaugh.
Making that point about DeSantis and the supposedly violent proclivities of his strongest supporters, Obeidallah said:
I wrote an article this week about Ron DeSantis, criticizing DeSantis, and, which I’m going to do all the time. They’ve moved over. Frank the emotional commitment they had for Trump is now bleeding over to DeSantis, where I’m getting not threats like I’m going to kill you, but more like, you know, vile comments. I don’t care.
But I’m amazed now seeing it with DeSantis and I’m like, Wow, they’ve moved on emotionally and they’re beginning to defend DeSantis the same way, meaning Trump. The threats will come next. But this was a lot of. Some things were about you’re brown. Go back to your country.
Figliuzzi jumped in and, piggybacking off of Obeidallah’s ridiculous point, joined in calling conservatives a cult and claiming that DeSantis is now the cult leader for conservatives, saying:
You know what? You have raised a really interesting point. And it, and it’s, I’ve not heard that raised yet with regard to this. I’ll call it a transference, a transference. You know, in cult, if you study cults, most of the time, a cult is allegiance to just one leader. But there are, there are occasions where the leader passes away or hands the baton or someone wrests control of the baton over a cult, and the followers will, will transfer their allegiance to this person.
So you might be on the cusp of of recognizing that this cult, and I, I deliberately use that word because of its focus on one individual. Um, this cult may be in the process of transference and the cult, if Trump goes away, doesn’t run, runs and loses. That does not mean the cult goes away. Really interesting point.
Ignored are basic facts, such as the violent proclivities of the left, the fact that Trump is still by far the most popular potential GOP candidate, bringing in over 50 percent of the GOP compared to DeSantis’ sub-20 percent, and that conservatives support Trump or DeSantis not because they’re in a cult, but because those two men are fighters that are willing to stand for and by conservative principles.
By: TheAmericanTribune.com, editor of TheAmericanTribune.com. Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List