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Former Twitter Exec Has Meltdown After Elon Drops Twitter Files, Gets Obliterated Online



It’s a very bad week to be an ex-Twitter employee. Elon Musk finally pulled back the veil and revealed what went on with the tech giant during the run-up to the 2020 election specifically in terms of the now proven Hunter Biden laptop, and there isn’t a kindly old wizard pulling strings behind the scenes. One ex-employee in particular, Yoel Roth who was ironically the Global Head of Trust and Safety, was revealed to be deeply imbedded in the suppression of the story and the ultimate altering of the election. Roth tweeted this in response.

Roth, in an interview with the far-left rag The Daily Beast Tuesday admitted that censoring the laptop story was “wrong”, but still made excuses for the suppression. Claiming it was difficult to verify, Twitter shut the story and The New York Post, which broke the story down and suspended the Post account. The more damning part is what happened between the government and Twitter in the months up to the election. The government, likely aware that Hunter Biden was poison for his daddy’s campaign warned social media companies to be on “high alert” for hacks and disinformation. Turns out the only hacks worked at Twitter, and the only disinformation was provided by Twitter.

Roth likely admitted his role and subsequent regret because he knew Musk was about to reveal the shady shenanigans that got Joe Biden elected and started the downward spiral of our country economically and on the world stage. Roth had this to say to the New York Post.

In an interview with journalist Kara Swisher, Roth appeared to deflect the blame — insisting that even though he had concerns about the authenticity of the first son’s device, it never got to the point where he thought the story should be suppressed.

“We didn’t know what to believe, we didn’t know what was true, there was smoke — and ultimately for me, it didn’t reach a place where I was comfortable removing this content from Twitter,” Roth said.

Too little, too late as the damage to Twitters reputation and our country has already been done. A band of thieves and crooks also known as the Biden’s are rooted in the White House and people like Yoel Roth are to blame. Roth is upset about being partially doxed, but the world needs to know what Twitter was, versus what it is becoming and that perhaps trust can actually be rebuilt in the tech monster. For now, that is questionable, but pulling the poisonous weeds like Roth will go a long way to restoring public faith in Twitter.

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