LOL: Kid Rock Shuts Maher Down in Wide-Ranging Interview [WATCH]
Bill Maher recently hosted, on his podcast, “Club Random with Bill Maher”, Trump-supporting singer Kid Rock. Though the two were friendly enough, there were a number of spats during the interview, with Rock winning the major two magnificently and using one issue to show Maher how aligned he was with the GOP.
Watch the interview here:
If you watch the interview, you’ll hear, at one point during it, Maher try to to get Rock to criticize former President Donald Trump, who he has been a high-profile supporter of. Maher did so by saying:
“I will never understand why you like this whiny little b****. You know, you’re such a real man and he’s such a little b****.”
But Rock didn’t fall for it and attack his friend. Instead, he snapped back immediately, ripping Maher as a “whiny little bi***”, saying:
“When you’re bashing [Trump], that’s what I say, ‘I can’t believe I’m watching this whiny little b****.‘”
Though the interview could have gotten tense at that point, Maher thought the response was hilarious and started laughing after Rock’s response.
That wasn’t the only disagreement the two men had during the podcast interview. The other big disagreement came when Maher tried to defend Brandon and say that he wasn’t responsible for gas prices.
That comment came after Rock joked that Maher has to pay “seven dollars a f***ing gallon” for gas in LA when the two were discussing traffic in the LA area and how horrible it is.
Maher, wealthy enough to make $7 a gallon not really hurt, stepped in at that point to defend Biden and try to claim that he wasn’t responsible for the gas price crisis, saying:
“See this is what I find tedious. Is when people go right to, like, oh, here’s something I can get Biden on because Biden is that bad thing. So gas is seven dollars. I’ll get that dig in. It’s like you know very well gas prices have nothing to do with who’s President mostly. Some things-”
Rock, as could be predicted, didn’t go along with it. Instead, he interjected, saying “I don’t know that, enlighten me.”
Maher fumbled when trying to, saying “Gas prices go up and down based on other factors in the world, not on who is president. The President doesn’t run the gas companies. He can change them slightly-”
Unsurprisingly given how the gas price situation has been going, Rock won that argument too, saying “President creates policies that would influence the gas companies like any business. To a degree, to a degree.”
However, the two didn’t just disagree. They also agreed on one important issue: the transing the kids issue. Maher led on that one, saying:
“I would be a very bad parent right now. Because I would fight. We would be very aligned on this, a lot of this. I would be a very bad parent because they would be doing things in the school that I didn’t think was appropriate. Not from either side or point of view. The subject itself. They are five. Can we just do blocks and the sky is blue before we get to drag queens? There’s levels of sophistication that are just –”
That’s when Rock interjected, responding in a funny way again and saying “Bill, welcome to the Republican Party.”