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Man With Sick Fascination With Mass School Shootings Charged For Leaving Behind Disturbing ‘Gifts’ At Parkland Memorial Site



It’s no secret there are some very sick and twisted people out in the world today. And no, I’m not talking about Democrats this time, though we’re all aware they do seem to be suffering from a few loose screws. The kind of people I’m actually referring to are those that leave behind dead animals at memorials for mass school shootings. To say there is something wrong with this kind of individual would be a total understatement.

According to a report from the Daily Wire, a Florida man, who is apparently obsessed with mass school shootings, has now been charged with leaving behind dead animals at the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Parkland shooting where 17 individuals have been laid to rest. How does one develop an obsession like this? It seems to me this clearly marks this person out as someone mentally disturbed who should be kept an eye on.

“Robert Mondragon, 29, faces three felony charges for allegedly disfiguring a monument outside of Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and for violating probation for battery, five counts of indecent exposure, and breaking a risk protection order, authorities said Friday,” the Daily Wire reported.

“Broward Sheriff’s Office said a school crossing guard found a dead raccoon, opossum, and duck with its chest cavity cut open outside the high school on the same memorial bench between July 20 and July 31,” the report continued.

“Detectives uncovered video surveillance which revealed a male exit a white Nissan with all black rims or tires at the memorial on July 30 and entering the memorial site for several minutes before returning to the vehicle and leaving. Officials spotted the same car slowly driving near the high school the following night, prompting a traffic stop,” the Daily Wire stated.

The deputy went on to reveal that Mondragon was the only individual in the car when he happened to notice blood and feathers on the floorboard of the front passenger side of the vehicle. What Mondragon told the deputy about the disturbing finding is proof positive there’s something wrong with the wiring in this guy’s brain. He said he likes “the metal and blood smell that emits from the dead animal.”

Yep. Here’s your sign. I don’t think you need to have a professional head shrinker come in and diagnose this fellow is not playing with a full deck. Yikes.

woke bishop

“It wasn’t until four nights later when officials arrested Mondragon for allegedly violating his probation for battery and indecent exposure and for violating his risk protection order,” the report said.

“Using several search warrants for Mondragon’s car, home, cellphone, and social media accounts, officials found a photo on the suspect’s phone of him allegedly holding the dead duck with its chest sliced open and another photo of a dead raccoon on the floor of his car,” the report continued.

When authorities conducted a further investigation into Mondragon, they discovered his “disturbing fascination” with both real and fictional school shooters, with most of his obsession seemingly placed on Tate Langdon, the school shooter from the television series “American Horror Story.”

Law enforcement authorities also found text messages from Mondragon’s phone concerning school shootings, along with internet searches concerning shooters. But that’s not the scariest thing found in his search history. He also looked for how to break into steel doors, shootings with multiple victims, pipe bombs, and slang terms for murdering police officers.

“Fox 13 News reports that Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony said during a Friday press conference that Mondragon had made numerous computer searches about old school shootings, which makes him fearful that Mondragon may have been planning one himself,” the Daily Wire reported.

According to Andrew Coffey, the attorney representing Mondragon, the suspect suffered through a very troubled and traumatic childhood, explaining he was the child victim of a crime that is currently awaiting trial, though he would not go into specifics.