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Media Missing Point As Usual Claiming Racism Against NFL’s Colts for Appointing White Interim Coach



It must be hard working for a major media outlet but not being knowledgeable enough to make a valid point. Unfortunately, that seems to be the trend with the mainstream media lately. It doesn’t matter if there are facts, reasons, and obvious scenarios at play, if they don’t draw enough attention, just cry RACISM! That’s what the journos down at the USA Today are doing in response to the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts naming a white man, Jeff Saturday as the interim coach. Never mind there are other factors at play besides the color of his skin, it’s racist to not automatically hand the job to a black man. At this point it would seem any black man would be preferable in the eyes of the media.

For context, the Colts season is going nowhere, fast. They have a decent enough core of the team but have battled myriad injuries and have severely underperformed. The issue is mostly the inability to find a long term, or even short-term solution at quarterback. The team subsequently fired head coach Frank Reich, a white man and named Colt legend Jeff Saturday as interim coach. So, what’s the issue? Saturday has never coached, though he was an All-Pro center for the Manning era in Indy. It’s clear what is going on, but according to the USA Today, it’s just pure racism. Check this out.

This is nothing against Saturday, an ESPN analyst since 2013, but the idea that he’s qualified is ludicrous. He isn’t close to it. This is a joke.

There is no Black NFL equivalent of a Jeff Saturday. Black ex-players with zero coaching experience can’t just walk off the street and get head coaching jobs, and this is what makes this situation so angering, frustrating and embarrassing.

Look up white privilege in the dictionary and you see this situation playing on the back nine of Augusta with Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Of course, the journo at the USA Today had to inflame with imagery of Trump and Musk, though neither is a racist and both have likely written more checks to black people and corporations in a year than the white, liberal USA Today has in their entire existence. The author misses the point of naming Saturday as coach. The Colts are doing a full-on tank job in hopes of losing enough games to get a high draft pick to select a franchise quarterback in next year’s draft. Period.

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In case anyone doesn’t know, if a team tanks blatantly the league gets egg on their face and the fan base often will rebel. Why not name one of the most beloved former Colts of all time interim coach to keep butts in seats? If it works, Saturday has to be interviewed and the “Rooney Rule”, which requires teams to interview minority coaches will be followed before a new coach is hired.

Of course, the Colts know it isn’t going to work, so they can all gracefully part ways after the season and the team can begin searching for a coach, armed with a high draft pick. It’s a win/lose/win for the team.

Black coaches privately talk all the time about the double standards. How far less qualified white coaches get jobs and second chances — and third and fourth — that Black coaches often do not get.

The quote above tells you all you need to know about the USA Today, in that black is capitalized and white isn’t. Oh, what isn’t mentioned is how Lovie Smith, a black man is on his third NFL team (without much success), and Steve Wilks, also a black man armed with a 3-13 career record is the interim coach of the Carolina Panthers, his second head coaching stint. The race hustlers will not be satisfied until every coach, every ball boy, every official, and every quarterback is a minority. Then they will just move on to some other perceived slight.

The Colts plan is clear, but only if one is willing to take off the race glasses and look at the situation. Had a black interim been named and the team continued to lose, the race hustlers would just be crying that he wasn’t given a fair chance after the season. You can’t win, the Colts don’t want to, and Jeff Saturday is a logical choice, all things considered to make this happen.