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Media’s Latest Trump Hoax Gets Swiftly Debunked: ‘Fake News’



The latest wave of misinformation aimed at former President Donald Trump has been promptly quelled. A report by Punchbowl News during a closed-door meeting with GOP congressmen alleged that Trump disparaged Milwaukee, the city poised to host his acceptance of the Republican nomination.

The comment that sparked the controversy was part of a broader discussion on issues plaguing several U.S. cities, including Milwaukee, with a focus on violent crime and voter fraud—issues that Trump has frequently highlighted.

The Associated Press reported on Thursday that “Former President Donald Trump used the word ‘horrible’ in talking about Milwaukee — the city where he will accept the Republican nomination next month — during a closed-door meeting Thursday with GOP congressmen, according to several people in the room who spoke afterward.”

However, key eyewitnesses clarified the context revealing a narrative far from the truth spun by opportunistic media.

“In a desperate attempt to get likes, Fake News Jake Sherman—who wasn’t even in the room—falsely claimed that President Trump called Milwaukee a ‘horrible city.’ It’s a total lie,” a Trump press release read. “President Trump was explicitly referring to the problems in Milwaukee, specifically violent crime and voter fraud.”

Multiple members of Congress, including members of Wisconsin’s own delegation, debunked Sherman’s false claim. According to several congressmen present, Trump’s use of the term “horrible” was specifically tied to these systemic problems, not the city or its residents. The rapid response from those in attendance not only debunked the false narrative but also highlighted a persistent issue in today’s media environment—jumping to conclusions without substantial backing.

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Rep. Bryan Steil (WI-01) noted, “I was in the room. President Trump did not say this. There is no better place than Wisconsin in July.”

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Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI-06) added that Trump was “concerned about the election in Milwaukee” and emphasized the need for improvement in urban centers across the country.

Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-07) interpreted Trump’s remarks as a combination of concerns over election integrity and crime.

Rep. Derrick Van Orden (WI-03) clarified that Trump referred specifically to the crime rate in Milwaukee.

Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03) confirmed, “I was in the meeting. President Trump never disparaged Milwaukee. Just another Democrat hoax.”

An aide to Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) also supported these clarifications, stating that the discussion was indeed about election integrity.

Milwaukee is preparing to host the Republican National convention from July 15-18.

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