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Ministry of Truth Pt. 2? Biden Admin Hires Former Big Tech Employee that Specialized in Scrubbing “Disinformation”, Ranted about”Systemic Racism”



Back when Team Biden appointed Nina Jankowicz, an obvious leftist that had pushed the lie about Trump colluding with Russia, to head the “Disinformation Governance Board”, America freaked out, getting angry at the idea that there would be government attempts to attack “disinformation” at all, with the fact that such a partisan hack was put in the position being even more rage-inducing to many.

Well, Team Biden obviously didn’t learn that lesson, as it just hired Camille Stewart Gloster to be the new deputy director of The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director.

And that’s important because, far from being an impartial adjudicator of the cyber realm, Gloster is a committed radical that has even gone so far as to call “systemic racism” a cybersecurity threat.

She did so on Twitter, sharing an article from the Council on Foreign Relations and quoting it, saying:

Systemic Racism Is a Cybersecurity Threat “People have argued that if we address social and systemic issues separately, we will get the technology right. However, the social and the technological are mutually constitutive.”

And that article is quite radical, making claims about racism and cybersecurity that the average person might find objectionable, particularly the idea that the cybersecurity professionals should be hired for diversity reasons. The first two paragraphs alone state:

For years there have been well documented discussions about the need to expand gender and racial diversity in cybersecurity. People have argued that if we address social and systemic issues separately, we will get the technology right. However, the social and the technological are mutually constitutive. Bringing in new points of view is crucial to cybersecurity, but we also have to change the systems in which technology is embedded and review technology against the backdrop of larger systemic issues to reduce vulnerabilities.

Technical and policy mitigations in cybersecurity need to account for the weaknesses of our society, systems, and institutions in their implementations. The places where democracy breaks down and the ugliness of our past sins are laid bare and unaddressed are where we are most vulnerable. Technical and policy mitigations to cybersecurity challenges will never reach their full potential until systemic racism is addressed and diverse voices are reflected among our ranks at all levels.

Cybersecurity and hacking are certainly major issues. Perhaps, one thinks, it would be wise to focus on hiring the best rather than playing diversity games with those supposed to protect the power grid from hack attacks.

And it’s not just her tweets that make her objectionable. Gloster also worked at Google, where she was the Head of Security Policy for Google Play and Android. In that role, she led “security, privacy, election integrity, and dis/mis-information.

So the deputy director of an important cyber position is a leftist radical that has made a career out of giving “disinformation” the boot at Big Tech and is a committed leftist radical on the diversity topic. That’s not a great sign at a time when cyber issues are growing all the more important thanks to the dominance of the cyber realm.

Fortunately, Senator Hawley had the courage to start ringing the alarm bells about Gloster, saying:

Joe Biden elevates another Big Tech exec and Social Justice Warrior to run his cyber office. The Big Tech, Big Government alliance continues

She worked on “election integrity” and “dis/mis-information” for Google – in other words, censoring speech. An obsession for this White House

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