MINNESOTA: Saying COVID ‘Came From China’ Could Land Citizens On A Government Registry
Minnesota lawmakers are mulling a change to a state law, House File 181, would create a database of alleged “bias incidents” even in the absence of a crime. The bill, which was introduced by Democrat lawmakers in January, would allow people to report “bias-related incidents” such as the use of racial slurs or wearing an article of clothing deemed provocative, to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.
Minnesota State Rep. Harry Niska, a Republican, asked whether saying that COVID-19 originated in China would be classified as a “bias-related incident’ under the proposed changes. “If a Minnesotan writes an article claiming or arguing that COVID-19 is a Chinese bio-weapon that leaked from a lab in Wuhan, and someone reports that article to the Department of Human Rights, is that something that the Department of Human Rights should put in their bias registry under your bill?” Niska asked his Democrat colleague, Rep. Samantha Vang.
Vang answered by saying that not all alleged bias incidents are considered violent or criminal. “This, clearly, with the rhetoric we have seen since the pandemic regarding accusing Asians of bringing in the coronavirus, that is bias motivated. And so that can be considered a bias incident.”
“I think I heard yes to that,” Rep. Niska said, adding that her answer was “troubling.”
Niska then asked whether wearing an article of clothing in support of Harry Potter author JK Rowling — who has become a major target of leftist scorn due to her opposition to the transgender movement — would qualify for the registry.
“If a Minnesotan is wearing a t-shirt that says ‘I love J.K. Rowling’ and someone sees that and reports them to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights as an example of gender identity or gender expression bias, is that something that the Minnesota Department of Human Rights should put in this bias database?” he asked.
Vang refused to give a clear answer to the second question, saying it would be better answered by “lawyers.”
Rep. Vang has a provision in the Judiciary Bill that creates a government database of “hate incidents” (not crimes, which are already tracked).
Rep. Vang says “hate incidents” could include:
– Writing an article saying COVID came from China
– Wearing a “I ♥️ JK Rowling” shirt pic.twitter.com/7N2hjFBUME— MN House GOP War Room (@MNHRCWarRoom) April 26, 2023