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Musk Takes Savage New Shot at Biden in Ongoing War of Words



The Elon Musk versus Joe Biden war of words continues, as the relationship continues to sour. Musk voted for Biden in 2020, a decision that perhaps he is regretting considering the state of the nation right now. However at least Musk is willing to admit he won’t make that mistake again, unlike most liberals.

The latest shot across the bow comes from Musk, who openly questioned if Biden is just too old. Spoiler alert, he is.

“You don’t want to be too far from the average age of the population because it’s going to be very difficult to stay in touch,” Musk told Roula Khalaf of the Financial Times.

“Maybe one generation away from the average age is OK, but two generations?” he added. “At the point where you’ve got great-grandchildren, I don’t know, how in touch with the people are you? Is it even possible to be?”

If we are being completely honest, how in touch has Biden EVER been? He is a career politician that has been living high on the American taxpayer’s money, among other things for his entire career. When is the last time Biden went to the grocery store, or shopped at Target, or even drove his own car? The dude can’t even negotiate a bike. His window for being in touch with anyone but the coastal rich people and his donors closed decades ago. Musk knows this, as do most American’s whether they want to admit it or not.

However, Musk and Biden have a deteriorating relationship, and this is an attempt by Elon to throw another shovel of metaphorical dirt on Joe Biden and any plan he has to run in 2024.

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Musk, who said he voted for Biden in 2020 and has voted for Democrats in the past, has become critical of the president as their relationship deteriorated since Biden was elected. Musk said he plans to vote Republican in the next election. Biden will be close to 82 if he gets elected again in 2024. 

Biden has only himself and his bad policy to blame for the failed relationship with one of the world’s most influential men. Biden has poked at Musk and even ignored Tesla while hosting American, Union companies like Ford and Chevrolet at the White House EV Summit.

The Tesla CEO complained about Biden’s support of unions, and called the US president out for not inviting Tesla to a White House electric vehicle summit last year. 

After Biden met with Ford and General Motors executives at a meeting for EVs in January, Musk responded to Biden’s tweet about the meeting saying, “Starts with a T, Ends with an A, ESL in the middle.” Both Ford and GM rely on a unionized workforce.

This was an obvious ploy by Biden to cull favor with Union people and the American Auto industry, even while undermining the industry with his bad policy, failed supply chains, and unwillingness to increase domestic oil production to cut gas prices.

Musk is smart enough to see this, even if many are not. America would likely be years behind in the production of EV’s if not for Musk and Tesla.

Biden’s Build Back Better agenda from December 2021 did not find a fan in Musk, whose company Tesla would be excluded from the legislation to authorize a tax credit up to $12,500 for Americans who buy an electric vehicle made by unionized workers.

What most people fail to realize is basically ZERO automakers, American or otherwise will qualify for any tax credits because of ridiculous restrictions put on sourcing of raw parts, particularly for the batteries. The government just isn’t going to pay anyone for buying an electric vehicle, despite the dangled carrot of impossible to satisfy stipulations.

Musk told the FT he doesn’t hate former President Donald Trump, who is 76 years old, even though they have also fought in the past. He is considering setting up a super PAC for moderate candidates called “the Super Moderate Super Pac,” 

Elon Musk could take the ultimate shot at Biden and follow through with the “Super Moderate Super Pac”, and it would ultimately be a good thing for the country. We need more moderation, and less of the inane, insane policy making coming out of the Biden White House. For now, it’s “point-Musk”. We will see if old Joe has anything to come back with.