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JUST IN: New Doc Reveals Pelosi Blamed ‘White Men’ for Losing Speakership



A new documentary has revealed who Nancy Pelosi blamed when she lost her speakership after the 2010 midterms. Better yet, the documentary shows that Pelosi made these comments to former President Barrack Obama in almost a since of pandering.

After getting destroyed in the 2010 midterms it was revealed that Nancy Pelosi called then-President Barrack Obama to voice her fury about losing the midterms. With no one else to point the finger at, Pelosi decided it would be best to blame “White Men” for the loss according to the documentary.

The documentary, put forth by HBO Max entitled “Pelosi in the House” documents her time in office and specifically this instance of her complaining about white men. Check out what she said in the quote below:

“Hey, Mr. President, not a good night … Our members have said they don’t regret their health care bill right across the board. Even if we never passed health care reform, we were still going to lose this election because of 9.5% unemployment. ‘Cause it wasn’t about that, it was about jobs,”  Pelosi told then President Obama.

“The White male thing is just — that’s a dominant thing. When they don’t have a job, they get in a mood … And, um, so we’ll have to make some decisions in our caucus about how we go forward.”

It’s not a major shocker that Pelosi would be angry about the outcome of the 2010 midterms as it was the largest gain for Republicans after midterms in political history. Which may show just how disgruntled voters were with her leadership at the time.

It is unclear what kind of “mood” Pelosi is speaking about but it certainly highlights the kind of opinions she has about white men and America. Thankfully this time around, Pelosi will not be Speaker of The House but no one knows who she is blaming this time around.

woke bishop

If Pelosi had to point a finger at a white male for losing the House this election cycle she may want to start with her very own husband who was arrested for a DUI and was recently involved in a breaking and entering situation that has suspiciously swept under the rug as of late.

House Democratic leadership has since put forth Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York to replace her position in party leadership. Pelosi has been in that seat of power for almost twenty years beginning in 2003.

Pelosi who represents a district in California has seen ample backlash from her state as many people are flocking to more conservatives including a notable Hollywood star which you can read about by CLICKING HERE.