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New Gallup Poll Reveals Staggering Number Of Americans Believe They Are ‘Suffering’



A brand new poll from Gallup has discovered that a record percentage of Americans are stating that things are going so bad right now they can safely say they are suffering.

According to Newsmax, the survey revealed that 5.6 percent of Americans in July examined their lives and found them poor enough to be considered suffering on the Gallup’s Life Evaluation Index, which is the highest number we’ve seen since the kickoff of 2008.

The previous number this year was 4.8 percent back in April.

“Since reaching a record high in June 2021, life ratings among American adults have steadily worsened,” Gallup went on to say on Monday. “The 5.6% suffering rate in July marks the first time the Gallup measure has exceeded 5% in the U.S. and translates to an estimated 14 million American adults.”

“Economic conditions are likely a major contributing factor to these worsening scores. Despite the addition of 528,000 new jobs in July, persistently high inflation is creating a drag on the Gallup Economic Confidence Index, which is now at its lowest point since the Great Recession in 2009,” Gallup continued in its report on the results.

However, the Gallup poll also uncovered that 51.2 percent are thriving. That sounds like a good figure, right? Yeah…it’s actually not. That percentage is still an 18-month low.

So how, exactly does Gallup, define “thriving,” or “struggling,?” It’s based mostly on how people would rate their current and future lives by using a ladder scale with rungs that are numbered from 0 to 10.

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Here’s more information on the poll from Newsmax:

People who rate both their current and future lives a 4 or lower are classified as suffering. Those who rate their current life a 7 or higher, and their anticipated life in five years an 8 or higher, are classified as thriving.

The percentage of U.S. adults estimated to be thriving has declined steadily under President Joe Biden since it reached a record high of 59.2% in June 2021.

Since then, the proportion who are suffering has doubled to 5.4% among Republicans. It also has jumped among Democrats to 5.4%, up from 2.9% a year ago. Independents were near 6.2% suffering, down from 7.3% in April.

The folks thriving in the month of July included 53 percent of Democrats, 52.2 percent of individuals in the GOP, and 47.7 percent who consider themselves independent.

“The lowest recorded overall thriving rate was 46.4% twice — in November 2008 amid the Great Recession, and in late April 2020 during the initial economic shutdown associated with the COVID-19 pandemic,” the report from Newsmax continued.

Gallup then stated that Americans are also reporting having their levels of stress increase to 48 percent which is up from 43 percent last summer. That still stayed beneath the recorded 60 percent back in March 2020 when the coronavirus first kicked off.

Folks are feeling the effects of those horrendous policies from the Biden administration as we continue to watch the price of goods and services we need to live go up, while wages remain the same and businesses close.

The economy under Biden took less than two years to destroy, though it took former President Donald Trump almost an entire term to get things back on track. If we don’t elect a conservative president in 2024, we’re going to experience severe economic woes the likes of which haven’t been seen for many a year.