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NEW: Indiana House Candidate Arrested On Election Day Eve



An Indiana House candidate was arrested on election eve for allegedly violating a protection order over social media.

Jim Schenke, a Republican running in the Hoosier State’s 26th House district, was booked in Tippecanoe County Jail on Monday on a preliminary charge of invasion of privacy, the Daily Mail reported. The arrest came in response to a post Schenke made on the Facebook page of an individual who secured a court-imposed protection order against the politician. Police received a call at approximately 9:30 p.m. CST Sunday night alleging that Schenke, 57, had violated the protection order. He was arrested in his Wabash Township home the following day.

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Jail records show that Schenke was booked around 6:10 a.m. CST on Monday morning, but no longer appears on the jail roster. In a follow-up Facebook post, he denied violating the protection order. “For anyone who cares about honesty I have been accused of violating a protective order,” Schenke said. “In truth I have a protective order against the sociopath that has been stalking and menacing me for months.”

Schenke is no newbie when it comes to protection orders. He has secured two orders on other individuals, including one person living in his Wabash neighborhood. In contrast to his legitimate protection orders, he added, the individual who reported him to the police is more akin to the deranged psychopath played by Michael Keaton in the 1990 movie “Pacific Heights.” He is “a drunk angry pagan transgender activist who became insanely convinced that I wanted to kill his child who imagines himself some sort of caped Avenger with a license to stalk and menace those he hates,” Schenke added.

Tippecanoe County Chief Deputy Terry Ruley said the police department had probable cause to arrest the Indiana lawmaker and said he was released from jail after posting bond. “The sheriff’s office received a complaint from the other party on Sunday evening at approximately 8:35 PM stating that Schenke allegedly violated the order of protection by communicating to them through social media. What that verbiage was I have not seen nor heard. He was booked into the Tippecanoe County Jail Monday morning at 6:10 AM. He bonded out at 6:14 pm Monday evening after posting bond,” Ruley said in a statement.

The 26th district, which encompasses West Lafayette, is currently represented by Democratic State Rep. Chris Campbell. Her challenger’s latest legal woes follow charges stemming from allegations that Schenke crashed his car into a light post while driving uninsured, all of which were later dropped. Earlier in the election, the Tippecanoe County Election Board leveled a civil charge against Schenke alleging that he failed to include appropriate disclaimers in his advertising. If he wins Tuesday’s election, Schenke would be the first Republican to hold the seat since 2018.

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