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NEW: Jim Jordan Suggests Moving FBI HQ To Alabama



In a bold move, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), has proposed relocating the FBI headquarters from Washington, D.C., to Huntsville, Alabama. This suggestion comes amidst Jordan’s ongoing criticism of the FBI and Department of Justice for alleged politicization of the justice system and law enforcement.

Jordan believes that the relocation would help depoliticize the bureau and reduce the influence of politics on law enforcement investigations and activities. He expressed his concerns in a letter to the House Appropriations Committee, where he recommended using the “power of the purse” to advance key reforms.

“The Committee remains concerned about the politicization of federal law enforcement power emanating from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.,” Jordan wrote. “The centralization of FBI operations in the National Capitol Region has led to duplication of activity best left to the respective field offices, contributed to reduced autonomy in local field offices, and allowed improper political influence to taint law enforcement investigations and activity.”

Jordan also proposed specific language for the 2024 appropriations bills to address the bureau’s proposed move to the suburbs and the logistics of an alternate destination. “None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to build a new FBI headquarters. In addition, the FBI is directed to submit an operational plan within 90 days to move the FBI Headquarters out of the National Capital Region,” he wrote.

The proposed new location, Huntsville, Alabama, is not a random choice. The FBI has maintained a presence at the Redstone Arsenal facility in Huntsville for over 50 years. The facility has been expanding its operations for years and currently employs over a thousand people in various operational and enterprise capacities.

“The FBI Redstone Arsenal state-of-the art facilities present new opportunities to build our capabilities, create new partnerships, further our mission, and support our vision of becoming the FBI’s innovation and technology center of excellence,” the FBI website states.

On Wednesday morning, Jordan criticized Wray in person for the bureau’s involvement in a range of controversial issues. Jordan accused the FBI of assisting the Biden administration’s “Orwellian” censorship regime, as revealed in the Missouri v Biden case, and covering up for Hunter Biden’s laptop data dump.

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He also criticized the FBI for their handling of various issues, including the investigation of parents concerned about the education system, their response to protests at abortion clinics, spying on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, the raid on Mar-a-Lago, and the punishment of congressional whistleblowers.

Jordan alleged the bureau has censored and labeled, to fund a new FBI headquarters and support the re-authorization of the 702 program, which he claims the FBI has abused. He reiterated these sentiments in a tweet, stating, “Retaliate against a whistleblower? Lose your salary. Discourage U.S. Marshalls from protecting [SCOTUS] justices? No funds for you. And no new funds for an FBI headquarters!”

During the question and answer session, Jordan asked Wray about a memo detailing the FBI’s policy in Richmond on securing informants within the Catholic Church over a supposed linkage between “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” and “violent extremism.” Wray denied any action was based on the memo, stating that it did not result in any investigative action.

However, Jordan insisted that the motivation behind the memo was political, citing its concern that “radical-traditionalist” Catholic interest would spread in the months leading up to “the next general election.” The memo advised agents to monitor legislative activity by this group related to abortion rights, immigration, affirmative action, and LGBTQ protection.