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New Spending Package Gives Millions of Dollars to Michelle Obama Project



The new $1.7 trillion spending package brought forward by Democrats will include millions of dollars for a former First Lady Michelle Obama project.

In the package is a cutout for the former first lady which would give $3.6 million to fund the “Michelle Obama Trail—PATH Trail Project.”

“The Democrats’ reckless omnibus bill spends YOUR money on a ‘Michelle Obama Trail,’ a ‘Ukraine Independence Park’ in DC, and a ‘Speaker Pelosi Federal Building’ in San Francisco. Are you ok with all of this?” said Republican Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs.

“Here are just a handful of the many earmarks in the bill, including $3.6 million for the ‘Michelle Obama Trail,’” Rep. Dan Bishop said.

“Would you spend $2 million on a wax museum? How about $3.6 million on the ‘Michelle Obama Trail?’ Well, you’re about to. These are two earmarks in the omnibus spending bill that will become law this week. I’ll be voting to strip every earmark out of the bill,” said Senator Mike Braun.

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While speaking to reporters, Republican Senator Rand Paul blasted the new spending bill, calling it a complete waste of money.

“I brought along the 1.7 trillion, 4,000+ page Pelosi-Schumer omnibus spending bill that’s being fast-tracked through the Senate. This process stinks. It’s an abomination. It’s a no good rotten way to run government. We’re standing up and saying NO,” he said in a now viral video.

“I brought with me the omni, 4,155 pages. When was it produced? In the dead of the night — 1:30 in the morning when it was released,” he said while speaking to reporters.

“Now people argue it is conservatives’ fault, you don’t have the Christmas spirit, and somehow you’re holding up the government,” the senator added. “Well, whose job is it to produce this? The people in charge of spending. The people in charge of both of the parties.

“When did they know that this would be necessary? Well, it is in the law. Sept. 30. You’ve got nine months, almost ten months to produce a plan. They weren’t ready on Sept. 30, so they voted themselves 90 more days. They weren’t ready last week either, so they voted themselves another week. And now we have it at 1:30 in the morning this morning,” he continued.

“But what’s the clamor? The clamor is to vote! ‘Vote now! Let’s get it done. Why are you standing in the way of spending?’” Paul said.

“Well, the real question is this: What is more dangerous to the country — $1.1 trillion in new debt or, as Republican leadership likes to say, ‘Oh, it is a win! It is a big win. We’re getting $45 billion for the military’?” he said.

“So which is more important? Which threatens the country more? Are we at risk from being invaded by a foreign power if we don’t put $45 billion into the military? Are we more at risk by adding to a $31 trillion debt?” he continued.

“I think the greatest risk to our national security is our debt. The process stinks, it is an abomination. It is a no-good rotten way to run your government,” the senator said.

“The American people don’t want this. They’re sick and tired of it. They’re paying for it through the nose with inflation,” he noted. “Adding a trillion dollars to the deficit will simply fuel the fires that are consuming our wages and consuming our retirement plans. It is a terrible system. Someone needs to stand up. We’re standing up, and we’re going to say no.”


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