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‘Nonpartisan’ GovTrack Exposed For DELETING Kamala Harris’ Ranking As ‘Most Liberal’ Senator



For years GovTrack has been a go-to source for unbiased data on the activities and voting records of U.S. legislators. Now, the website renowned for its impartial tracking of legislative activities, has been accused of altering historical records to benefit Vice President Kamala Harris.

Among its various features, the site provides rankings that categorize senators and representatives based on their political leanings. Kamala Harris, who served as a senator from California before becoming vice president, was consistently ranked as one of the most left-leaning members of the Senate. The record, while never contested by Harris or her supporters, now appears to have been erased.

The controversy came to light through a report on Twitchy, a news and commentary site. According to the report, GovTrack has mysteriously altered its records, effectively erasing Harris’s history as the “most left-leaning senator.” The move is seen by many as an attempt to reframe Harris’s political image, making her appear more centrist as she gears up for the 2024 election. CBS News even cited GovTrac in an earlier interview with the vice president, saying, “Actually, nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator.”


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This incident is not isolated. It coincides with another alarming example of media manipulation involving Axios, a prominent news outlet. Axios recently claimed that Kamala Harris was never designated as Biden’s “border czar,” despite numerous reports and statements from the Biden administration itself. Axios went so far as to issue a correction, admitting past mislabeling but stopping short of fully acknowledging their error.

With the 2024 presidential campaign in full swing, there is a concerted effort to polish Harris’s image. The move by GovTrack, in particular, has raised eyebrows due to its reputation for impartiality. Harris’s ambitions of becoming president started since 2020. In the previous election cycle, Harris sought to harness the momentum from her notable interrogations during Senate hearings and her background as a prosecutor.

Her campaign initially surged in popularity, however, her positions sometimes faced hardship, particularly her record as California’s Attorney General and her shifting healthcare policies which led to criticism. Despite a decent start including a memorable confrontation with Joe Biden over racial integration and busing policies during the first Democratic debate, her campaign struggled to maintain momentum and clarity on certain policy positions.

This inconsistency, coupled with internal campaign issues and financial constraints, led to her withdrawal from the race in December, 2019. Although her presidential bid was unsuccessful, it set the stage for her subsequent selection as Joe Biden’s running mate.

Looking ahead, Biden is scheduled to further detail his decision to endorse Harris in a forthcoming speech set for Wednesday. This is with the Democratic National Committee actively working to finalize their presidential nominee selection by August 7. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has lodged a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission. They argue that funds raised for Biden’s re-election should not be transferable to Harris’s campaign, marking a contentious point in the unfolding electoral drama.

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