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NY Lawmakers Want Visa, Mastercard To Help Them Take Down Second Amendment



Dozens of lawmakers in the state of New York are wanting to see credit card companies such as Mastercard and Visa give them a hand in destroying the Second Amendment rights of citizens in their state by developing a new firearms-specific category code that would then flag gun purchases. The folks on the left seem to have some kind of reading comprehension problem because the Constitution makes it clear that the right to bear arms “shall not be infringed.” That looks pretty simple to understand to me.

A report from Breitbart revealed that the news publication The Gothamist published a piece stating the lawmakers have sent out a letter to the credit card companies, pushing for them to create this new category and move guns from the sporting goods label it currently sits under so that they are in a separate one that is set aside specifically for firearms and those stores that sell them. It’s perfectly acceptable, it seems, for criminals to have access to weapons to use on the law-abiding citizens of the state, but heaven forbid someone who is innocent wants to carry a weapon to protect themselves. Liberalism is truly backward thinking.

“If credit cards had a code for purchases at gun stores, the same laws would let them flag if someone were spending large amounts of money at one dealer, or traveling to multiple gun retailers in a short amount of time. The legislators say that could ultimately help law enforcement to stop crimes like firearms trafficking, or even to prevent mass shootings,” the Gothamist reported.

“PoliticsNY notes that NY State Sen. Zellnor Y. Myrie (D-Central Brooklyn) is spearheading the effort to change the categorizations for guns purchased via credit cards,” the Breitbart report said.

“The rise in gun violence has had devastating consequences for New Yorkers, and we need every sector to step up and do their part. Credit card companies have the power to identify merchants and transactions, and report suspicious activity to law enforcement when it may preempt a mass shooting,” Myrie went on to comment.

“We urge American Express and Mastercard to take a simple step today that may prevent massive bloodshed in the future,” he continued.

“The push among NY lawmakers comes as Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Giffords, is urging Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, to flag gun and ammunition purchases. There was a similar campaign directed at credit card companies following the criminal use of a firearm in the February 14, 2018, Parkland high school shooting,” the report said.

woke bishop

At that point in time, supporters of strict gun control measures were trying to apply enough pressure to credit card companies to get them to completely sever ties with semiautomatic rifle makers. However, back in March of 2018, Visa refused to bow the knee to the gun grabbers. Instead, the company stated that it is not the credit card company’s responsibility to “set restrictions on the sale of lawful goods and services.”

The founders of this beautiful country designed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights within it to protect fundamental rights they believed were God-given, which means that mankind has no authority to take those rights away. Among those rights is being able to defend one’s life, liberty, and property. We do that by owning guns. Period. If you don’t want to own one, that’s okay. Don’t own one. But don’t try to take away the rights of others and act like you’re doing so for the greater good. We can clearly see through the power grab.