Jennifer Palmieri, a former White House communications director who served in the Obama Administration, admitted that President Biden is facing an uphill re-election battle during an appearance on MSNBC. After explaining away Biden’s poor polling numbers on economic issues, Palmieri stated that statements from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will help Democrats in 2024 by illustrating the “threat” Trump faces.
MSNBC host Willie Geist began by asking Palmieri how she would feel “right now holding the hand that Joe Biden has, turning into an election year?”
“I would think, it’s super scary. The fate of the Republic is hanging in the balance, and there are polls that have Donald Trump leading right now, but I would have faith that … To Eugene’s point on the economy, we know that the Federal Reserve is planning on lowering rates,” the former Obama advisor replied.
Palmieri went on to claim that the economy is doing well and attributed Biden’s abysmal polling numbers on economic issues to lack of understanding on the part of the public. “We know that is something that can — that is — that is something that signals to actual consumers, real voters, things are different and things are improving,” she said. “You hear that when you hear about people not liking Biden’s economic policies, if you dig underneath that, interest rates are a big part of that,” Palmieri continued, adding that she would “feel good” about the economic argument.
She then argued that Biden is being assisted by Trump’s Republican rivals, who are already raising the issue of the “threat” Trump poses to the country. “I would feel great about being able to make the argument against what the sort of threat that Trump represents,” she said. “And we can use Ron DeSantis talking about Trump weaponizing government. We can use Chris Christie’s voice talking about the danger that Trump represents.”
“So it’s not just going to be Biden, but there is just this scary thing that overhangs everything about whether we’re just too divided. It’s just too late. There’s too many silos,” she continued. “How am I going to reach all of the voters I need to reach given all the media silos that there are? I mean, that is what I would be churning on every day is just sort of the mechanics of getting that message out.”