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Ohio Woman Finds All Her Animals Dead 10 Miles from East Palestine Explosion



The environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio continues to worsen as the Biden White House continues to ignore it.

As the situation is widely ignored by the media and so-called environmentalists, locals are speaking out, laying out the horrors of what’s truly going on.

Local Amanda Breshears who lives 10 miles from the chemical release site, found all of her chickens dead the morning after the mushroom cloud explosion.

Check out what WKBN reported:

People across the Mahoning Valley — including those who live in Mahoning and Trumbull counties — reported smelling chlorine after Monday’s controlled release in East Palestine. Officials said it wasn’t dangerous, but one North Lima woman is skeptical about that statement.

Even though North Lima is a little more than 10 miles away from East Palestine, Amanda Breshears said the smell caused her eyes to water when she went to let her dog out. She believes it could be the reason why her birds are now dead.

Breshears was going to feed her five hens and rooster Tuesday morning when she discovered them all lifeless, practically in the same position, with no signs of a predator entering their enclosure.

“I’m beyond upset and quite panicked, ’cause this, they may be just chickens, but they’re family,” she said.

Breshears said her chickens were alive and well on Monday.

She believes that the smell following the detonation of the train carrying chemicals that derailed in East Palestine is to blame for her birds’ sudden death.


The situation may impact many more people than those in East Palestine. 30 million people, or 10% of the United States population could be in danger.

“We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open,” said Sil Caggiano, a hazardous materials specialist.

As public officials try to calm the public, animals are falling sick and dying.

“Out of nowhere, he just started coughing really hard, just shut down, and he had liquid diarrhea and just went very fast,” said resident Taylor Holzer while he explained the mortally ill confition of his foxes.

“Smoke and chemicals from the train, that’s the only thing that can cause it, because it doesn’t just happen out of nowhere,” Holzer said. “The chemicals that we’re being told are safe in the air, that’s definitely not safe for the animals … or people.”

According to a new report, the situation may become much more widespread through the Ohio River Basin.

As noted by Stew Peters, 10% of the United States population may be in trouble.

“10% of the U.S. population, over 30 MILLION PEOPLE, live in the Ohio River Basin!” he tweeted. “The Ohio River itself provides drinking water to over 5 MILLION PEOPLE!”

Check it out:

According to Upward News, the dangerous chemicals are making their way as far as West Virginia through the Ohio River.

“Toxic chemicals from the train derailment & explosion in East Palestine have reportedly “contaminated” the Ohio River as far as West Virginia, a water source for over 5 million,” they reported. ”

“The Ohio River is one of the nation’s great natural resources. Over 30 million people, or about ten percent of the U.S. population, live in the Ohio River Basin. With numerous public drinking water intakes and industries, the river provides drinking water to +5,000,000 people.”

See the map of potentially impacted states below.

As noted by DC Draino on Twitter, the toxic acid rain cloud has a 200 mile radius however people are only being evacuated in a 1 mile radius from the crash site.

“They only evacuated people in a **1 mile** radius of the Ohio train crash site,” he tweeted. “The toxic acid rain cloud has a 200 mile radius (that we know of). Now you know why the media won’t talk about this disaster.”