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Pelosi Agreed With DeVos, Said Biden Can’t Forgive Student Loans; Now She’s Singing A Different Tune



House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t seem to be on the same side of the issue of student loan cancellation as former Trump Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, despite both once agreeing that President Joe Biden cannot wipe out debt for those who borrowed money to pay for their education.

So, what happened that suddenly made Pelosi sing a different tune?

President Joe Biden released a plan that ends up cutting $20,000 in debt per borrower.

According to The Daily Wire, Pelosi previously said, “People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone, he can delay, but he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.”

“The president can’t do it,” she continued. “So that’s not even a discussion. Not everybody realizes that, but the president can only postpone, delay, but not forgive.”

In the middle part of June, DeVos also made the claim that Biden lacked political power to unilaterally “forgive” student loans. She provided a comment to the Daily Signal saying, “I’m hopeful they follow the law, and they don’t do it. We have demonstrated; we left a very detailed memo talking about how the president does not have unilateral power to forgive student loan debt.”

woke bishop

She then pointed out that Obama’s administration “also took this position as well.”

“When we talk about this notion of forgiving student loans, what we’re really talking about is benefiting those who don’t necessarily need it,” she remarked. “And the ones who are going to be ultimately paying for it are those who’ve never attended college, who didn’t take out student loans, taxpayers who chose not to go to higher education and take out student loans, or frankly, many taxpayers who have gone, who have faithfully paid off their student loans. And then think about also veterans earn their benefits for education by serving our country.”

Well, it seems to me the reason Biden is attempting to move on this is because the radical left is desperate to do anything they can to drum up some support for the Democratic Party ahead of the midterm election, seeing as how they are doing oh so poorly in the polls.

And that’s all due to horrific policies that end up violating the middle class more than any other group of individuals living in the U.S. Who wants to see this kind of governance continue if all it does is lead to suffering?

However, young people are all in on the idea of having their student loans wiped out, believing that the government is supposed to provide them with care as if they are their parent. The left has worked hard to instill this mindset into this generation of Americans through the indoctrination they receive in public schools.

Here’s a bit more from the Daily Wire report:

But on Wednesday, as Biden indicated he would proceed with his plan to “forgive” student loans, Pelosi seemingly reversed herself, tweeting Biden’s “bold action is a strong step in Democrats’ fight to expand access to higher education. By delivering historic targeted student debt relief to millions of borrowers, more working families will be able to meet their kitchen table needs as they recover from the pandemic.”

In January 2021, the principal deputy general counsel for the Department of Education, Reed Rubenstein, clearly stated the president has no power to unilaterally “forgive” student loans, noting, “Given the HEA’s many specific provisions for cancellation, compromise, discharge, or forgiveness of student loan principal balances and/or material modifications to the repayment amounts or terms thereof, we believe any Executive Branch action on a blanket or mass basis, whether under 20 U.S.C. § 1082(a)(6), the HEROES Act, or otherwise, wrongfully transforms carefully cabined HEA settlement authority into a general administrative dispensing power.”

But hey, since when has the law, or the Constitution, ever stopped a radical from accomplishing their agenda?