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Hidden Camera Catches Pentagon Official Calling For Gun Confiscation, Open Borders



Footage obtained by the O’Keefe Media Group captured the disturbing wishes of Pentagon official Jason Beck, who holds a classified security clearance. While chatting with OMG founder James O’Keefe, Beck revealed that he wants to abolish the Second Amendment, have the National Guard confiscate firearms, leave the border open and pack the Supreme Court.

Beck is currently employed as the assistant director of Total Force Requirements and Sourcing Policy under Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The office is responsible for overseeing the department of defense and works as the principal defense policy maker and advisor to the president.

When asked for his thoughts on the Second Amendment, Beck, who used the alias “Aiden Grey” while unknowingly talking with O’Keefe, said it should be overturned. “I think we should repeal it, and take them all away,” he said.

O’Keefe followed up by asking what a federal solution to the issue would look like, at which point Beck said that National Guard troops should be forced to confiscate firearms from the public. He compared such a policy to school integration, when National Guard troops forced schools to integrate at gunpoint. “You know, where they did have to, you know, mobilize the National Guard. How many people in the National Guard, you know, maybe were personally opposed to integration, but still followed orders and made it happen?” he said.

The abolition of guns would give the state a “monopoly on violence,” something Beck approves of. “So, it’s the idea that the state, meaning the country, is the only sort of legitimate purveyor of violence and force, of course. We’re the only ones with guns, right?” he said.

To that end, Beck stated that expanding the Supreme Court to include more leftist judges would be essential to any policies he would like to institute. “That way they can’t stop the legislation,” he explained.

The Pentagon employee went on to explain that part of his job is to write answers for high-level department officials at Congressional hearings, describing it as “very high level.”

Yeah, so every year around this time, the department’s senior leadership basically they go over to the hill for hearings on the department’s posture,” he explained. “So, like Secretary of Defense or Under Secretary of Defense. And it’ll be on a wide range of topics.”

Other policy changes Beck would like to see implemented include the abolition of the Senate, universal health care, and tearing down the border wall.

“I mean, the recent immigration bill fiasco was almost unbelievable,” Beck told O’Keefe. “It’s really racist. You know, just lots of that talk about like border security, that kind of nonsense. What does border security mean? It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just like throwing money and people at a problem that doesn’t really exist.”

He went on to claim that “no terrorist has ever come in” through the southern border, adding “why not just have an open border?”