Tony Ganios, renowned for his role in the 1981 beloved movie “Porky’s,” has passed away at the age of 64. Amanda Ganios, his fiancée, confirmed that...
Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough has been relentlessly mocked on social media after revealing that he thinks Russia is still a communist country. The embarrassing moment...
In 2023, the campaign of Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) reported expenditures exceeding $2.1 million, as per filings with the Federal Election Commission. The spending covered a...
Former CIA officer Mike Morell, who twice served as acting director of the agency under President Obama, donated $1,000 to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s...
Judge Arthur Engoron finds himself at the heart of a potential scandal following the resurfacing of a 2002 report. The controversy centers around Engoron’s relationship with...
On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson made a striking claim about Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. According to Carlson, Johnson demanded a staggering...
In a recent interview that quickly spiraled into an internet frenzy, NBA superstar LeBron James found himself at the center of a social media roast. When...
On Tuesday President Joe Biden narrowly escaped what could have been another fall while ascending the stairs to Air Force One. The incident, now circulating across...
The manslaughter case against Alec Baldwin has taken center stage, featuring damning testimony that has captivated public attention. Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the young “Rust” armorer charged alongside...
Amidst speculations about her campaign’s future, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley made a resolute declaration of her commitment to continue her bid for the presidency, intertwining...
In a riveting exchange on CNN, Kevin O’Leary, widely recognized from “Shark Tank,” passionately defended the real estate industry in the wake of Donald Trump’s controversial...
For the first time since his high-profile incarceration, apparent images of disgraced crypto mogul and Democrat megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) have surfaced, depicting him in an...
Historians announced the discovery of a long-ago relative of President Joe Biden who came to blows with another man in the final years of the Civil...
Nevada’s Secretary of State said reforms are underway after scores of voters noticed irregularities in their online records, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Secretary Cisco...
Barbra Streisand, a staple of the Hollywood glitterati, went too far out on a limb recently in her online defense of Fulton County District Attorney Fani...
Martine Moise, the former first lady of Haiti, was accused Monday of planning her husband’s assassination so she could ascend to the presidency herself. Moise, 49,...
Susan Wojcicki, the former CEO of YouTube, tragically lost her 19-year-old son, who was found dead at the University of California, Berkeley. Janet Gilmore, a spokesperson...
Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley announced that she will be giving a “state of the race” address on Tuesday, fueling rumors of a potential exit. In...
Paradis Books & Bread, a book café located in North Miami, has closed down following a controversial decision to ask Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell...
On Monday CNN shed light on what could be a major financial boon for former President Donald Trump. Despite ongoing efforts to undermine his business ventures,...
On Monday, NBC 5 announced the passing of their esteemed entertainment correspondent and TV host, Bobbie Wygant. The longtime reporter died on Sunday at the age...
Madonna’s performance at Seattle’s Climate Pledge Arena seems more likely to be remembered for its theatrics gone awry than musical prowess. The iconic pop star, now...
‘Shark Tank’ mogul Kevin O’Leary announced he is boycotting New York City following Judge Arthur Engoron’s $355 million ruling against former President Donald Trump. The decision...
Over the weekend at Philadelphia’s Sneaker Con, former President Donald Trump stole the spotlight, sending the crowd into a frenzy of fervent chants and applause. The...
On Sunday, Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley broke down Fani Willis’ testimony in a misconduct hearing connected to her election racketeering prosecution against former President...
New leadership at CNN is looking to trim tens of millions of dollars from its annual spending, and new boss Mark Thompson is telling the network’s...
Charles Barkley hit San Francisco below the belt while commentating during Sunday night’s NBA All-Star game, ribbing fellow Basketball Hall of Famer Reggie Miller about whether...
Zachery Ty Bryan, who played the sharp-tongued son opposite father-acting Tim Allen on “Home Improvement,” was arrested Saturday night on a DUI offense after leaving the...
U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has called on Muslims in here home state to vote against President Biden in the upcoming Democratic Primary. Tlaib has been...
While vacationing in Delaware for the weekend, President Biden demanded that Congress return from a two-week recess and pass the massive foreign aid package that has...
Adam Westbrook, a human resources director in Outagamie County, Wisconsin, was arrested Friday on suspicion of possession of child pornography and sexual exploitation of a child....
While appearing on MSNBC, U.S. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) suggested that former President Donald Trump is responsible for the death of Russian dissident Alexander Navalny. Navalny,...
During a recent appearance on CNN, U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was clearly distraught while describing the very real possibility of a Trump victory. The far-left...
The Biden Department of Justice has not slowed down in its pursuit of peaceful January 6 Capitol protesters on trespassing-related charges more than three years after...
Former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan told Fox News host Jesse Watters that the FBI informant who has been charged with lying to FBI agents about an...