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Poor Meghan! Markle Painfully Relives Experience of Being Pretty on Set of ’Deal or No Deal”



It has to be a daily struggle being Meghan Markle. It must be so difficult being pretty, (somewhat) talented, and being married to a Prince. In fairness, Prince Harry is my third favorite Prince, behind Charming, and of course Prince, but better to be third than last! Yet somehow Meghan perseveres. She is so brave.

Nah, never mind. She is a whiny, entitled brat that tends to come away from every experience with horror stories! Hey, I tried to be sympathetic. After all, I know how it is to be treated differently because you are gorgeous or handsome. It’s a daily struggle! Check this out.

Meghan Markle reflected on her experience being “objectified” as a briefcase girl on “Deal or No Deal” and spoke with Paris Hilton about the stereotype of the “dumb blonde” in a new interview.

Markle, 41, appeared on the game show in 2006. She had studied acting at Northwestern University and used the show for income while auditioning for larger roles.

The Duchess of Sussex explained that although she was an aspiring actress, she had also studied international relations and had interned at the U.S. Embassy in multiple countries. The juxtaposition of “being valued specifically” for her brain and then being valued “solely” for beauty was stark for Markle.

Markle’s definition of “stark” sounds like most people’s definition of “well rounded”. It would be one thing if she were only working at the UN or being a fake ambassador but being able to flip a switch and be beautiful and be desired for it; that must have been tough!

“I was thankful for the job, but not for how it made me feel. Which was… not smart. And by the way – I was surrounded by smart women on that stage with me,” Markle said during an episode of her podcast “Archetypes.” “But that wasn’t the focus of why we were there. And I would end up leaving with this pit in my stomach, knowing that I was so much more than what was being objectified on the stage.”

To be fair, I watched the show, but didn’t really remember the fact that there were girls holding briefcases, no less what they looked like or how smart they may or may not have been. I wonder if the casting call to be a briefcase girl included doing a “seven-page paper on geo-politics in relation to global population numbers in third world countries”, or maybe “are you a dame, and can open a briefcase’? In short, she knew what she signed up for.

“Yeah it was glorified,” Markle responded. “And it’s not specific to here and it’s not even specific to that decade. This is something that happens globally. This idea of dumbing women down and women dumbing themselves down.”

Meghan discounts the fact that most women either do it themselves to portray the helpless, dumb blonde, or they willingly go along with it to further their careers. We all make sacrifices to further our careers. Whether it be time at home with the family, or even being able to start one, it is not uncommon for men and women to make personal sacrifices.

Thankfully Meghan Markle has been able to persevere. It’s sad that the best she could do was marry a Prince, but we all have to make sacrifices, right? Even if Harry is my third favorite Prince, Meghan could have done worse. Have you seen Prince William lately? Woof.  Kudos to Meghan for holding on despite life throwing her so many difficult blows. She is a shining example for us all.

This story syndicated with permission from News and Politics