Pride Parade Condemned After Video Captures Young Boy Doing Something Disgusting On Almost Naked Woman
There’s something gravely wrong with the modern culture we live in, folks. I don’t think I really need to tell you that. You’re all very smart and observant, which is why you’re getting your news from us and thinking for yourself.
However, sometimes, I just feel the need to say it out loud as a reminder to you and to myself, about how bad things have truly become during this period of the 21st century.
Sexual deviance and perversion run rampant throughout modern society. We’ve witnessed public schools attempt to teach children the confusion of gender identity and other topics on sexuality at ages where it is totally inappropriate and absolutely, without a doubt, morally wrong.
How many stories did we see this summer during June — Gay Pride Month — featuring children taken to Pride parades where men and women pranced around practically naked engaging in debauchery right before their eyes?
And apparently, we still haven’t seen the worst this culture has to offer.
According to The Daily Wire, a video was recently posted that featured a young boy straddling an almost completely nude woman as they pole-danced during a Pride parade in North Carolina, which has led to a number of angry replies all over social media.
The video in question was posted by Libs of TikTok on Tuesday of this week. It featured a young male child with a baseball cap on top of a nearly naked woman, sporting a thong and teeny, tiny bikini top.
If you really want to see this nastiness for yourself, you can click here.
This is demonic, y’all.
A child is clearly being exposed to sexual behaviors he has no business being exposed to at his age. Are the folks who brought him to this event trying to create a future pervert, scarring the poor kid so badly he needs therapy for all of his failed, toxic relationships years down the road? What the hell is going on here?
Here’s more from the Daily Wire report:
One topless performer painted her breasts pink, blue, and purple; another on a parade float twerked while another woman gestured as though licking her legs, The Daily Caller reported.
“We’ll finally celebrate in-person this year all the ways our community has grown and triumphed,” the website for the parade boasted.
“We’re proud to present a newly expanded Youth & Family Zone in 2022, with new games, activities, and opportunities for all families, including all children and youth under the age of 20. Presented by Equitable, with support from Microsoft, and in partnership with Time Out Youth,” the website wrote.
“Newly expanded in 2022!” the website added. “Presented by Equitable, supported by Microsoft and Time Out Youth. Join us on The Green for family-friendly entertainment and resources, including arts and crafts, community resources, a family care tent, and special speakers and entertainers, including Drag Queen Story Hour.”
Here’s what folks on Twitter had to say about the disgusting display:
“Child abuse,” Twitter user Matt Mackowiak said about the video.
“Kid friendly strippers! If you care more about signaling your wokeness than what is best for your kid, you truly are a piece of sh**,” Jason Howerton tweeted.
Denise McAllister then stated, “Abusing children is now on parade and celebrated. Thank you LGBT, for your rainbow of perversion.“
A tweet from Matthew Betley read, “I hope they wiped that kid with Clorox wipes when he was finished.”
Tom Tillison wrote, “There is no other word than grooming… unless you throw in disgusting.”
Jenny Garcia, a candidate for the House of Representatives summed things up nicely by simply saying, “Leave CHILDREN ALONE.”
According to the folks who run the Charlotte Pride parade, the festival shattered previous attendance records, going on to make the claim that 275,000 people showed up to the event.
Oh, and here are a few of the businesses who sponsored the whole depraved ritual: Microsoft PNC Bank, Bank of America, Lowe’s, Truist, McDonald’s, Equitable, NASCAR, Wells Fargo, and Walmart.
This is clearly the grooming of a child to accept debauched sexual practices as normal. Hate to tell insane, mentally ill leftists, but there’s nothing at all normal about allowing a child to participate in this kind of activity.
As many pointed out, this should be considered child abuse.