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Punk Rocker Has MAGA Hat Induced Meltdown, Crowd Responds Hilariously with LGB Chant [VIDEO]



You might think that a punk rocker would be, well, a punk rocker that doesn’t care about convention or the “current thing” in the same way that, say, other pop stars or liberal politicians like Adam Kinzinger or Nancy Pelosi do.

But, as could be expected of pretty much anyone in the public sphere nowadays, such isn’t the case. Almost everything once outside the sphere of the current thing has been subsumed by the imperialists of the spirit in the global elite, becoming at once politically correct and similarly minded.

And so we were treated to the absurd spectacle of Dropkick Murphys (a punk rock band) frontman Ken Casey having a MAGA hat induced meltdown at the New York State Fair and saying, “If you’re a real patriot, you won’t support the MAGA movement.

The crowd, however, didn’t agree. Rather, many in the crowd responded with the classic “Let’s Go Brandon” chant to his anti-MAGA tirade.

At an event in Pennsylvania, Casey also accused Trump of being “the greatest swindler in the world”, saying:

If you are out there buying those fucking hats that these swindlers are selling at that fucking fair… then you are part of the problem and I’ll tell you why, because you are being duped by the greatest swindler in the history of the world.

Continuing, he went on to accuse the MAGA movement of being controlled by shady billionaires, saying:

woke bishop

You are being duped by a bunch of grifters and billionaires who don’t give a shit about you or your family. They care about their fucking tax breaks and the money they can put in their pocket. If you consider yourself a patriot and you are spouting off that election denying shit, I will fight your ass outside if you want to.

So now a “punk” rocker is threatening to fight people for…opposing the ruling regime’s talking points and narrative about a contentious event. Sounds about right for these enervated times.

Adding to that, he said: “Wake the fuck up! We’re working class people. The people, the fucking rich, the billionaires, they don’t give a shit.

Watch him go on his tirade here:

That video of the tirade went viral when it came out back in early September and was viewed millions of times on Twitter. ByBerry, commenting on it at the time and adding context to what the Dropkick Murphy’s were doing, reported that:

A video of the incident was captured and viewed more than 4 million times on Twitter. It was the fourth appearance for the Boston-based band at the event in Syracuse. They were supporting their new album, the Woody Guthrie-aping ‘This Machine Still Kills Fascists’. For the fourth time, the band performed at the New York State Fair, ending their set with the joking phrase “we just want to be invited back.”

We’ll see how long the Dropkick Murphy’s last if their new shtick consists of yelling at people who reject the regime’s narrative.

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