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Rachel Maddow Melts Down After Trump Wins Iowa: ‘The Rise Of Fascism’



Far-left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow erupted into a lengthy tirade about America’s descent into “authoritarianism” after former President Donald Trump emerged victorious in the Iowa caucuses.

“If we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, we are worried about potential rise of fascism in this country. We’re worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government,” Maddow said. “The leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation. But people wanting that is a much bigger part of that expression.”

She then asserted that one of America’s two major political parties has been “flirting with extremism on the ultra right for a very long time.”

“They’ve brought them in, in a way that they haven’t been central to Republican electoral politics ever before. And I know because I’ve been studying this. But once you have radicalized one major party so that those are the preferences of the people who adhere to your party, the leaders are interchangeable,” Maddow continued.

“And yes, Trumpism is sometimes what we call it. MAGA movement is probably a better way to do it. But there is an authoritarian movement inside Republican politics that isn’t being bamboozled by Trump. They are pushing Trump to get more and more extreme because the more extreme things he says, the more they adhere to it,” she continued. “And that is coming from a very large proportion of the American right that adheres to the Republican Party and that’s why this is a Republican Party problem more than it is the problem of one man and his legal issues.”

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