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Rapper Retires From Music to Pursue God and Spread the Gospel



Renowned rapper, Daddy Yankee, has announced his retirement from music to pursue a spiritual journey and spread the message of the Gospel. During his farewell tour’s final concert on Sunday night, Yankee declared his intention to fully commit to Christianity and to retire his stage name, opting instead to use his birth name, Ramón Luis Ayala Rodríguez.

The announcement was made at the concluding show of his tour, “La Meta” (The Goal), which attracted a huge audience in his hometown of San Juan, Puerto Rico. In a heartfelt message, he expressed his long-standing struggle with a void that fame, awards, and worldly achievements couldn’t fill.

“I tried to fill and find a meaning to my life,” he explained. “Sometimes it seemed to be very happy, but something was missing to make me complete. And I have to confess that those days are over.”


“I could realize that for everyone there was someone, but I was nothing without him. I could travel the world for years, win many awards, applause and praise, but I realized something… that is why tonight I recognize, and I do not turn my back on telling the whole world that Jesus lives in me, and that I will live for him.”

Yankee has often been regarded as one of the pioneers of reggaeton, a musical genre that originated in Puerto Rico during the late 1990s. He gained international fame with his 2004 hit song “Gasolina,” which is considered one of the songs that helped globalize reggaeton.

Apart from his hit “Gasolina,” he has released several successful albums and numerous hit singles. His contributions to reggaeton have made him an influential figure in Latin music, and he has won multiple awards over his career.

“Thank you very much, Puerto Rico, and I hope you walk with me in this new beginning. And I hope something very important is engraved on you. You allowed me to travel the world in your mercy, Father, so that you may allow me to evangelize the world from Puerto Rico. Amen. Thank you, Jesus,” he finished.

Yankee also wrote on Instagram:

“Family: This day for me, is the most important day in my life.. tonight I recognize and am not ashamed to tell the whole world that Christ lives in me and that I will live for him. This is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a brand new one.”

“For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, if he loses his life? Or how much can a man pay for his life? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father and with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to what he has done.
St. Matthew 16: 26 – 27 Amen”


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As Daddy Yankee ascended to unparalleled fame in the music industry, solidifying his status as a household name, his decision to retire signifies not just the conclusion of a groundbreaking era in music, but also heralds the commencement of a new, spiritually-focused chapter in his life.