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Resident View Genius Joy Behar Doesn’t Understand Why the Peasants Are Worried About the Economy!



By now we all know Joy Behar and the ladies of The View are some of the smartest, most in-touch and down to earth folks in all of media. Just kidding! They are out-of-touch, leftist loons with the combined IQ of bad of dog doo, minus the bag!

Yet here we are another day, another clueless rant by one of the Rhodes Scholars on The View about America, politics, and the economy. If there was ever a better reason to have a day job, or to pawn your television because you don’t I have yet to find one more compelling than The View. What was the most current nugget of idiocy? Check this out.

“The View” host Joy Behar said Tuesday that she finds the economic concerns of voters “sad and depressing” and said people don’t know “what the stakes are” ahead of the midterm elections. 

“Well, what’s depressing is that the New York Times released a poll today that says that 70% of voters agree that democracy is under threat. But only 7% of voters rank a threat to democracy as a major issue this election cycle,” Behar said. “I find that so depressing, I can’t begin to tell you.” 

So much wrong here, where to begin? To assume that voters don’t know “what the stakes are” is insulting and misguided, and that’s being kind. Behar fails to realize from her mansion that what voters are worried about are little things like the economy, jobs, crime and immigration. Coincidentally or not, the things that the Biden Administration has failed at the most spectacularly. Joy would know that if she ever had to step foot in a gas station or grocery store.

I immediately take any poll numbers espoused by a Democrat not with a grain of salt, but rather with an entire block. If you only ask registered Democrats about an issue, you are going to get the answer you want. Want to know how you know they are only asking Democrats about “threats to democracy”? Because Conservatives know that our government is not a democracy, rather a “Constitutional Republic”. It’s right there in the Constitution, a document Democrats roundly ignore. However, our “democracy” has become a buzzword for liberals in an attempt to stoke fear. As evidenced by the 7 percent that worry more about “democracy” than the economy, not many people are fooled.

woke bishop

On the subject of Republicans winning the midterms, Behar dropped this carrot of knuckleheaded wisdom.

“The Republican Party is happy to let corporations never pay another tax the rest of their days, they will cut Social Security, they’re going to cut lunches for children. They are not going to help you, so why would you vote for them? And yet, I see that it’s very close, that people are not understanding what the stakes are. And I find it, I find it sad and depressing,” Behar said. 

Again, what she is failing to acknowledge is things were BETTER for everyone when Republicans were in charge. How, pray tell does she think things are going to get any worse? We are already at the verge of hell, so is the solution to keep your head down and just keep charging forward, or allow the party that DIDN’T cause this mess to take a crack at it? Pretty easy answer to be honest. So easy that even dim-witted cohost Alyssa Farah Griffin had to push back.

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin suggested “The View” hosts had a “blind spot” when it came to the economy. 

“I want to say this respectfully, I worry there might be a blind spot about at this table is the fact that the average American family lost $6,000 in annual wages last year due to inflation. Blame Biden or don’t but there is a reason that Tim Ryan is running in Ohio away from Biden and away from Nancy Pelosi,” she said, adding that workers don’t feel that they’re getting much out of the economy. 

As expected, bully Behar shut down Griffins well-meaning defense immediately.

“When your reporters say, you know, you tell me they’re [voters] worried about gas, they’re worried about this, they’re worried about that, do the reporters follow up and say, ‘Do you think the Republicans will be able to fix these things?’

I wish reporters WOULD ask that question. However, I suspect they don’t want to hear what the answer might be. There’s a reason a red wave is coming. There’s a reason many Democrats running for reelection are distancing themselves from Biden and Pelosi. The American people aren’t stupid. At least half of them aren’t. That half is going to begin the slow march back to economic prosperity in November, and liberal tears are going to flow.