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Ridiculous RINO Adam Kinzinger Continues to Pearl-Clutch about Jan. 6th, 2020 Election During MSM Appearance



It’s a day that ends in “y”, so what is RINO Congressman Adam Kinzinger doing? Attacking his fellow Republicans during an appearance on leftist media, of course, doing what seems to do his best to make the 2022 red wave smaller. Because of course that’s what he’s doing.

And so he appeared on CBS’ “Face the Nation” to sound off on the topics of how horrible those attempting to investigate potential voter or election fraud issues are, along with attacking the Secret Service over what he sees as an issue with its actions on January 6th, which he referred to as “one of the more infamous days in American history.”

In one part of the interview, Kinzinger the RINO said that American democracy “wouldn’t survive” the attempts to look into voter fraud, attacking Steve Bannon with particular vitriol. In his words:

“I mean, I think, look, if you look at the President’s statements even months prior to the election, he started saying, ‘If we lose, it’s because it’s going to be stolen.’ There was — I think it was Chris Stirewalt came in on our second hearing and talked about that idea of that — the red mirage, how early in the night it’ll look like Republicans are winning, and then later it will be the obvious result. I mean, I think Democrats were ahead in Ohio significantly even at the beginning of the night.

“Steve Bannon is an agent of chaos. Steve Bannon, in his own words, believes you have to basically burn the system down to rebuild it and fix it. What he’s saying right there is very clearly him saying, ‘No matter what, we’re declaring victory.’ And that is a violation of everything we have to hold dear in the Constitution. Listen, the only thing we need for democracy to survive is the knowledge that you can vote, that that vote counts, and we live with the winner and loser. If half the country believes that that wasn’t accurate, you can’t expect democracy to survive.”

But, of course, that wasn’t all. Kinzinger also attacked the Secret Service for losing a few texts and referred to January 6th as “one of the more infamous days in American history,” saying:

“I think we’re going to know more Tuesday. We made the decision, as the committee, that we need to subpoena these records. The I.G. came in front of us and said, ‘Look, we have been working hard to get this.’ They claim it was this technological change, ‘We moved everything, we lost these texts.’ And then they also put out a statement, though, that said, ‘We’ve only lost some of the texts and everything relevant to this investigation has been turned over.’ So, those are very conflicting statements.

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“So we decided, as a committee, let’s request these by Tuesday and we can make a decision. I will say this. In the very least, it is quite crazy that the Secret Service would actually end up deleting anything related to one of the more infamous days in American history, particularly when it comes to the role of the Secret Service.”

Kinzinger will be out of office come November, thankfully, so perhaps then he’ll go clutch his pearls in private rather than continue to attack his party on leftist cable news networks.

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