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Run Herschel, Run! Walker Accuser Was Recent Campaign Supporter, Text Messages Show.



It’s funny how people can change their minds about things. Whatever the circumstances involved, people can and often do change their views, ideas, and assertions. Sometimes a little extra cash can also cause one to change their position. It shouldn’t, especially when it comes to extremely important issues like voting, but sadly, it does.

Now I’m not saying that cash was involved in this particular case, but it sure does smell funny. Why else would someone suddenly shift from a supporter to making wild accusations?

The woman who claimed Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker paid for her abortion in 2009 was friendly with Walker’s wife and supported his campaign as recently as May, text messages reveal.

What? What happened in the interim to cause an apparent friend of the family and campaign supporter to change her tune and allege Walker paid for an abortion? An abortion, by the way that is completely unproven. Without receipts it’s nothing but hearsay. However, that doesn’t matter as the left doesn’t require proof, rather just loud, controversial talking points.

Breitbart News obtained screenshots of messages from May between Walker’s accuser and the candidate’s wife, Julie.

The messages suggest the woman, who would later go to the left-wing Daily Beast with claims against Herschel, had entirely different sentiments about his Senate bid when his campaign kicked off after the May Republican primary.

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That certainly sounds sketchy, doesn’t it? I mean, what would cause a person to completely jump ship and start making unsubstantiated claims against Walker, regarding the biggest hot button topic of the midterms. Money maybe?

On May 24, the day Herschel, a Georgia football legend, was expected to handily win the primary, the woman texted Julie, “Good luck tonight!!! Don’t think you guys will need it, though!”

Julie replied, “Feeling stressed.”

The woman wrote, “Don’t be!! Just enjoy it! Praying for you guys!!”

Julie typed back, “Thank you … Herschel really LOVES our Country.”

The woman assured Julie, “He’ll do great & you will keep him focused! Proud of you guys! Wishing nothing but the best for you tonight!!”

My goodness, that is certainly a change in tone in just a short few months! To be fair, it is impossible to know what caused the change of heart without copies of this woman’s bank statements, but I would be keenly interested to see those.

Several other messages in the days leading up to that exchange reveal that the accuser, who the Daily Beast reported Wednesday as the mother of one of Walker’s four children, appeared to have a friendship with Julie and spoke regularly about the child.

Certainly, something changed this woman’s tone. It is quite a leap from being a family friend and mother of one of Walker’s children to claiming out of nowhere that Walker paid for her abortion, coincidentally going public right before the midterms. Curious, indeed.

Walker has denied the allegations, and without hardcore proof her assertions are nothing more than just that, and curiously timed as well.

Herschel has denied the allegation that he paid for an abortion, repeatedly calling it a “flat-out lie.”

“The woman first became hostile toward Julie around July 7, after a report about Walker having four children surfaced in the Daily Beast in June and in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court ruling.

The Daily Beast also waited to publish the abortion story until the first Monday in October, despite having information about it for at least several weeks. The news drop occurred at a critical time in Herschel’s competitive race against incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA).

Clearly what we have here is a tabloid in The Beast sitting on alleged information to attempt to shift the narrative on Georgia’s election by trying to discredit Walker by painting him as a hypocrite and liar. However, the only likely liar here is the accuser, and by extension The Beast. Until actual proof is produced, all we have is a documented family friend suddenly turning on Herschel Walker at a conveniently timed moment with some dubious, unsubstantiated claims. The things people will do for money, right?