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“Running a Dictatorship”: Gingrich Tears into Biden, Pelosi Regime [WATCH]



Appearing on Fox News to discuss the Biden and Pelosi regime with FNC’s Brian Kilmeade, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a big Trump supporter, thrashed Nancy Pelosi and Biden for the regime they are running, even going so far as to rip into Nancy Pelosi and say that she’s “running a dictatorship.”

Watch that here:

As you can hear in the video, that scathing comment about Nancy Pelosi came when Brian Kilmeade asked Gingrich about the overt partisanship and separation on the floor of the House, saying:

“You talk about being asked to go down to the House floor. And to mingle. But you went down there. First time since you were Speaker. What struck you is the separation between the parties and the tone and tenor in which Nancy Pelosi expects from that chamber.”

Gingrich, responding, didn’t really focus on Kilmeade’s exact question, instead turning to rip into Pelosi for her current policies and the heavy-handed way in which she is wielding power, saying:

Nancy Pelosi is running a dictatorship. She is doing it amazingly well. As a former speaker, I couldn’t imagine with a four or five-foot margin doing all the stuff she is doing.

woke bishop

But that wasn’t all. After attacking Pelosi for how she’s wielding her power, Gingrich then turned to attacking Biden’s horrible policies, particularly those related to food and energy, exposing the demented, dangerous mindset behind those policies, saying that it’s anti-Western and anti-middle class. In his words:

But if you watch their attitudes they are opposed to the average American. A lot of them would think it’s fine food prices are so high because you shouldn’t eat that much anyway.

“It’s amazing to watch the wase semi-religious movement around the planet. It’s destroying the economy in Sri Lanka. In Holland the left-wing nut case has taken on the farmers and wants to destroy dutch agriculture which is among the most productive in the world, and the farmers are enraged. This is going on all over the place. Biden represents the American version of the anti-western, anti-middle class, anti-common sense movement.”

Still that wasn’t all. Gingrich then went off on Biden for his energy policies and begging nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia for oil, saying:

“I think this is the worst president since Buchanan in the 1850s who led into a Civil War. If Joe Biden had come out of the basement and we realized how cognitively impaired he was, I think he never would have been elected president. If he had been honest about how radical he was going to be, he wouldn’t have been elected president. If he said ‘I won’t go to Texas, but I will go to Saudi Arabia. I will beg Iran.’ People would have thought he was crazy. This is the most anti-American energy president in history, and I can’t understand why he’s so deeply opposed to his own country.

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