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Senate Candidate And Single Mom Gets Child Protective Services Called On Her By Journalist Because Of Columbus Day Tweet



David Leavitt, who describes himself as an “Award-winning multi-media journalist,” proved the radical left in this country is not only slipping deeper into mental illness, but feature some of the most ridiculous and petty people on the planet when he decided to call Child Protective Services on Virginia State Senate candidate Tina Ramirez, who is also a single mother, claiming “child abuse” due to the fact her opinion on Columbus Day differed from his own.

According to the Daily Wire, “The spat began with an apparent non-sequitur, when Leavitt replied to a tweet from Ramirez over reports that PayPal planned to fine people for spreading ‘misinformation’ — a story broken by Daily Wire reporter Ben Zeisloft.”

“Only women can be pregnant. Do I owe PayPal $2500 now?” Ramirez went on to ask in her tweet, to which Leavitt responded, “Why are you celebrating torture, rape, murder, and enslavement?”

The remark by Mr. Award-winning Multi-Media Journalist was in reference to a different tweet from Ramirez where she wished her followers a Happy Columbus Day. She then responded to Leavitt by explaining, “I teach my daughter real American history. I refuse to join the radical left’s campaign to erase history.”

Leavitt responded like a typical liberal by trying to prompt his 330,000 followers to start harassing Ramirez and reporting her to Child Protective Services. Here is an individual on the left who fully supports the weaponization of governmental agencies to strike out at those who disagree with his political opinions. Again, these people have to be suffering from a mental illness because someone who has all of their mental faculties would know such a course of action is ridiculous to say the least.

“Can someone please call child care services on Tina Ramirez who’s teaching her child to be a racist?” the journalist asked.

Later he decided to make the call himself. Leavitt then complained about the long wait time to speak to someone at the agency.

“The Virginia State hotline for child abuse has a 10+ minute hold and is experiencing ‘high call volumes’ with 14 callers ahead of me. This is absolutely unacceptable. How many people try to report child abuse and hang up? How many children will continue to be abused?” he tweeted.

Ramirez then responded by saying, “Mighty bold and liberal of you to lecture a Hispanic mother with a black daughter on racism. What’s next? Are you going to lecture me on women’s rights?”

Of course, Leavitt then said that “having a black child doesn’t make you any less racist.”

“Leavitt continued to complain about the wait time, posting updates showing that he had been on hold for over an hour. As he waited on the line to report Ramirez for abusing her child —by celebrating Columbus Day — he lamented the amount of abuse that must be taking place in Virginia for wait times to be so long,” the Daily Wire reported.

Ramirez took an opportunity to respond to the whole situation by tweeting, “Tonight, @David_Leavitt called Child Protective Services to report ‘child abuse’ because I teach my daughter about Christopher Columbus and real American history. As a single mother, I am my daughter’s only support. This is appalling for a number of reasons.”

“Radical leftist @David_Leavitt didn’t just call CPS to level accusations against me,” she went on to say. “He waited an hour on hold, tying up the lines of our CPS professionals trying to help Virginia’s children. The radical left is willing to put our children at risk to cancel conservatives.”

“It’s no surprise that a member of the radical left is willing to go so far as to call CPS on a single mother – simply because they want to erase history. The radical left doesn’t want parents making decisions for their own families,” Ramirez stated.

“This goes back to what Virginians fought for in 2021 when they elected @GlennYoungkin: parent’s rights,” Ramirez said in conclusion. “The radical left is willing to sit on hold with CPS for a full hour to level accusations of child abuse — all because we don’t agree with their out-of-touch worldview.”

Mr. Leavitt really seems to have it out for women, especially women who disagree with him politically. Here’s what I mean:

So where are all the feminists at? Why not call this woman hater out for his targeting of females in the realm of politics? Oh. That’s right. They only defend women when they ascribe to the same set of principles and beliefs they hold to. Almost forgot about that.