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Sick! Shocking Number of Educators Arrested for Child Sex Crimes in 2022



Sex crimes are some of the worst offenses imaginable. Child sex crimes however are just inexcusable. We trust people to not abuse our kids. Whether at school, camp, church, or youth sports, we entrust adults we often don’t know to mentor and instruct our kids. When it goes wrong, it’s particularly sickening.

Sadly, it probably happens way more than we know. In 2022, an alarming number of educators have already been arrested for child sex crimes. These aren’t always men; in fact, a number of females are also responsible for abusing parents trust and taking advantage of children. The actual numbers are likely higher since every offense isn’t reported. Check this out.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital found that from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, at least 269 educators were arrested, which works out to roughly one arrest a day.

The 269 educators included four principals, two assistant principals, 226 teachers, 20 teacher’s aides and 17 substitute teachers.  

At least 199 of the arrests, or 74%, involved alleged crimes against students.

The numbers are staggering. It’s estimated that nearly one a day is arrested. This is not ok, nor should it be allowed to go unnoticed. What we previously thought was rare and most always particular to catholic school situations, turns out is prevalent in public school as well. Perhaps even more so than private school.

woke bishop

“The number of teachers arrested for child sex abuse is just the tip of the iceberg — much as it was for the Catholic Church prior to widespread exposure and investigation in the early 2000s,” Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “The best available academic research, published by the Department of Education, suggests that nearly 10% of public school students suffer from physical abuse between kindergarten and twelfth grade.”

That is an insane number. While some of that is high school age kids and younger teachers, that doesn’t make it any less creepy than elementary school age kids and a coach or gym teacher. Either way it’s gross and inappropriate.

“According to that research, the scale of sexual abuse in the public schools is nearly 100 times greater than that of the Catholic Church,” he said. “The question for critics who seek to downplay the extent of public school sexual abuse is this: How many arrests need to happen before you consider it a problem? How many children need to be sexually abused by teachers before you consider it a crisis?”

One child is a problem. One a day is an epidemic. What safeguards need to be put in place to stop this behavior? Should teachers be more closely vetted? Should even the slightest allegation be more thoroughly investigated? Perhaps the parents need to pay closer attention to what is going on in the school.

While we don’t have an ironclad solution, the states and school districts need to take some responsibility. Offending educators need to be flagged and never be allowed to work with children again, and parents and need to be more aware. Until we can tighten up and stop these creeps before they can offend, things won’t get better. We must protect our kids. It’s bad enough the left wants to indoctrinate them, without having to worry about creepy educators too.