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Squad Member Cori Bush Hires Bodyguard Who Has Long History Of Anti-Semitism



Congresswoman Cori Bush of Missouri, who famously chastised President Trump Donald as a bigot following the Charlottesville protests, has hired a high-paid security guard with a long history of anti-Semitic tirades. Now the “Squad” member is in the hot seat following revelations about her new employee’s race-baiting online activity.

Nathaniel Davis, a former member of the openly anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party, has collected over $137,000 since 2020 according to recent campaign finance filings, with the most recent payment made in December 2022. Davis moonlights as a “spiritual guru” in St. Louis, MO under the name Aha Sen Piankhy, where he instructs listeners among other things on how to avoid shopping at Jewish grocery store businesses.

Davis’s retail rantings were first posted by the Washington Free Beacon:

Davis elsewhere claims to be a 109 trillion-year-old supernatural being capable of willing tornadoes and earthquakes into existence. He purveys the anti-Jewish myth that the Rothschild family “runs the Western Hemisphere” and unleashed Covid-19 on the public to further its efforts at global population control. In a Facebook livestream posted last year, Davis said, “You got the global elite looking to kill every last one of us. They want to wipe out half the population of the planet.”

Social connections to anti-Semitic provocateurs are not new for Rep. Bush. As a member of the “Squad” in Congress, Bush commiserates with Rep. Ilhan Omar who was condemned in 2019 by the Anti-Defamation League for tweeting, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” In response, Rep. Omar slammed the “tropes” of Jewish lawmakers who asked that she clarify her remarks about lobbying efforts in support of Israel.

Rep. Bush’s latest use of taxpayer funds is sure to draw the ire of not only critics but also watchdogs. In March, a government accountability organization filed an ethics complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging Bush paid her husband $60,000 in campaign funds for security despite having no public safety credentials.

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