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‘Star Wars’ Lead Actor Gets Torched By Social Media For Pro-Biden Post



Mark Hamill, a veteran actor best known for his portrayal as Luke Skywalker in the original “Star Wars” trilogy, as well as the often criticized Disney trilogy, was roasted by Instagram users on his own page after he opted to post a cringe pro-Biden social media post.

In an Instagram post uploaded last month, Hamill posted a picture of a pro-Biden shirt that features the words “Nope… Not Again” with an image of former President Donald Trump’s hair replacing the O. The post was completed with a caption reading, “I voted for four more years of an Orange-free oval office,” followed by the “BidenHarris2024” hashtag.

Photo: @markhamill via Instagram

Hamill’s post was soon greeted by a number of pro-Trump comments made by his own followers.

“Man is voting for someone who can’t even remember his own sons death,” wrote one user.

“Mark, please keep your politics to yourself. Half of your fan base still wants to like you,” wrote another Star Wars fan account.

Hamill has not been shy about his love for President Biden. Just this week, the actor proclaimed that America’s 46th president is the “best president we’ve ever had.” He has also contributed to a virtual fundraiser for Biden during his 2020 campaign

The “Star Wars” icon has also espoused a number of additional left-wing views over the years. He once participated in a fundraiser focused on the bogus “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory with Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA)  and even attacked Ivanka Trump for posting a photo of her son in a “Star Wars” stormtrooper Halloween costume.