A city-sponsored Christmas show featuring hundreds of high-flying drones turned life-threatening after a young boy was badly injured when several “dive-bombed” him following a failed aerial...
U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is demanding accountability from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as mysterious drone sightings continue...
One of the government’s fiercest critics in Congress accused military and intelligence officials of “lying” to the American people after federal officials provided a classified briefing...
The mayor of a small New Jersey town has come forward with claims that the recent unexplainable drone sightings over his state may have something to...
John Ferguson, the CEO of Wichita, Kansas-based company Saxson Aerospace, offered a chilling theory on the massive uptick in drone sightings that have plagued New Jersey...
A New Jersey state senator believes the federal government’s relative silence and attempts to downplay concerns over weeks of drone sightings indicates that they are attempting...
Hours after weighing in on the mysterious drone sightings across New Jersey and surrounding states, President-elect Donald Trump posted a hilarious meme mocking former New Jersey...
President-elect Trump is calling for the unidentified drones that have been spotted on a nightly basis in parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania over the past...
A mysterious drone crashed into a residential backyard in New Jersey on Thursday night, adding to growing concerns and unease over unexplained aerial sightings across the...
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed Tuesday that it has issued two flight restrictions following suspicious drone activity in the area of Trump’s Bedminster golf club...