Legendary gameshow host Chuck Woolery, who played a key role in creating the network television staple “Wheel Of Fortune,” passed away on Saturday at the age...
President-elect Donald Trump is tapping FCC commissioner Brendan Carr — who has been outspoken about the epidemic of partisan media outlets and their attempts to influence...
Jenna Fischer — who starred in all 188 episodes of the NBC classic “The Office” — revealed that she had been quietly battling breast cancer for...
Mark Chavez, one of the two doctors charged in connection with “Friends” star Matthew Perry’s death, pleaded guilty to a drug charge as part of a plea...
Ratings for night one of the Democratic National Convention were slightly up from 2020, though overall ratings remain down significantly since 2016. The first night of...
Benji Gregory, who played a star role in the hit television series “Alf” in the 1980’s, has passed away at the age of 46. The actor’s...
Ian Gelder, who is best known for his role as Kevan Lannister on the HBO hit “Game of Thrones,” has passed away at the age of...
Jimmy Kimmel has suggested that his long-running late night talk show may be ending when his current contract expires in 2025. “I think this is my...
The primetime Emmy Awards continued to slide in viewership in 2024, this time posting record low ratings after attracting just 4.3 million people. The Nielsen company...