Tara Reade Says She’ll Give Congress Anything They Need To Investigate Biden’s Sexual Assault
The heat may be getting turned up on Joe Biden, and it’s not for malfeasance with Hunter or his dirty dealings in China. It’s not even for his spectacular failings as president. It’s been alleged that in 1993, Joe Biden sexually assaulted former Senate aide Tara Reade while Biden was in the Senate. Reade claims she reported the alleged assault but was subsequently threatened into silence. Naturally, the Biden camp denies any knowledge of the incident, but that hasn’t stopped Reade, who is calling on the GOP to dive deeper and put Biden and herself under oath.
It’s been well-documented that Biden is, to put it politely, a little creepy. His propensity for sniffing the hair of women, young and old, as well as his occasional hand placement in regard to young and older women, has been pointed out continually by the right. Libs dismiss the unsettling images and behavior as “Joe being Joe”, but if Reade is telling the truth and Biden is forced to testify under oath, Joe might go from being the kindly old grandfather figure the Dems like to portray him as, to the creepy old dude no one leaves alone with the kids. Check this out.
“It would be a very different thing, if I could testify under oath,” Reade told the Caller, adding that she would “provide whatever information [Congress] needed and [Congress] could ask me whatever questions they wanted.”
“I think we need to have the conversation, instead of me being erased, and other women that were erased that tried to come forward,” Reade added, saying that House Republicans should launch an investigation while they have a majority.
Of course, if this were a woman making these allegations against Donald Trump, there would be special hearings, Elizabeth Warren would be wetting her bear-skin diaper, and the 24-hour news cycle would spin out of control, but alas, since it is Joe Biden, it is being memory-holed by the fake media. However, with a soon-to-be GOP-led House, things could turn in an ugly direction for old Joe.
Reade alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her in a Senate corridor in 1993 by pinning her against a wall and reaching under her clothing before sexually violating her. She said she filed a police report in 2020 about the incident and that no thorough investigation has ever taken place.
Biden’s staffers who worked with Reade at the time, including aide Dennis Toner, chief of staff Ted Kaufman and executive assistant Marianne Baker, all denied that Reade came forward to them about the alleged sexual assault.
Naturally, employees of the White House are now maintaining no knowledge of any such incident, but why would they admit it? It would be political suicide to corroborate Reade’s story unless they were under oath and forced to. Why was this not fully investigated if Reade filed a police report in 2020? These are questions that likely will only be revealed in front of a judge.
“He would put his fingers underneath the back of my neck, underneath my hair, and then run his finger up and down,” Reade said. He would “massage my shoulders, and touch me. It was just weird,” she added, noting this happened before the incident in the hallway.
Spokespeople for Biden have repeatedly denied the allegations.
This sounds like behavior that we have actually SEEN Biden engage in since 2020 and before. Dems like to shrug their shoulders and dismiss this as just how Biden is, but that might be the problem. If he IS creepy and handsy, then it’s likely that, at some point, he has taken it too far, as Reade alleges. Reade’s mother also weighed in on Larry King Live in 1993.
Reade claims her mother called into “Larry King Live” in August of 1993 and asked host Larry King what her daughter could do other than go to the press with “problems” she encountered after working for a “prominent Senator.”
Audio shows that a woman did call into the show at the time, and Reade has claimed that the woman on the line is her mother.
@ReadeAlexandra — is this your Mom’s voice? https://t.co/ospBhlKSvb pic.twitter.com/r5WsXJ2vQb
— Rich McHugh (@RichMcHugh) April 24, 2020
It’s a cliche, to be sure, but where there is smoke, there generally is fire. There was smoke in the Senate in 1993, and more evidence is coming forward that Joe Biden was the fire. If placed under oath, a lot of seats are going to start smoking again.