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Taylor Lorenz Questions Libs Of TikTok About Supposedly Helping ‘Foster Violence,’ Gets Mocked Ruthlessly



Taylor Lorenz, who is a reporter for the Washington Post covering both technology and Internet culture, has time and time again found herself the subject of mockery over her weird, insane leftist ramblings. It’s a place she has become all too comfortable with apparently, because she’s back for another visit after going after infamous and well-loved social media account Libs of TikTok.

The Daily Wire reported that on Monday, Lorenz once again questioned the woman who runs the account on Twitter, asking for her to give a comment for one of her colleague’s stories. You can pretty much guess that these folks were going to twist the comments out of context and use them as a means of painting Libs of TikTok as being “ultra MAGA” and all sorts of wackiness.

Lorenz went on to state that her colleague was going to be putting out a piece concerning influencers who “spread narratives about election fraud in 2020.”

“You are not one of these influencers, but your account has received extensive promotion from them. We mention in the story that your account has helped to foster violence and that your posts led to death threats against medical providers at Boston Children’s Hospital, and a bomb threat caused the hospital to be evacuated. We also say you intend to continue to target hospitals. Do you have any comment?” Lorenz went on to write in the message she sent the account.

The deadline by which the popular Twitter account needed to provide a comment was less than five hours away, which is not a lot of time to give a well thought out response, especially to a liberal news organization that you know is going to take what you say and twist it so it can be used against you in the court of public opinion.

“I’m sorry but I can’t date you. I’m straight,” the Libs of TikTok founder said in response, attaching a tweet with screenshots of the exchange, saying, Why is she obsessed with me?”

woke bishop

“I think you accidentally replied to the wrong DM. This is Taylor Lorenz from the Washington Post and we’re asking you to reply to the question above,” Lorenz responded.

“Hey Tay, I know getting rejected must be really difficult. In some good news, Ross has a 55+ senior discount on Thursday so maybe that will make you feel better,” the Libs of TikTok founder fired back at Lorenz.

How old Lorenz is isn’t known, but the Wikipedia page places her birth year somewhere between 1984-87, with a few different news publications providing different ages.

Check out more details from the Daily Wire:

Libs of TikTok was briefly suspended from Twitter recently for “hateful conduct” after tweeting out recordings of employees at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., saying the hospital performs gender-affirming hysterectomies on 16-year-old girls. The hospital later said those employees were incorrect and it does not perform gender-affirming surgery on minors. Police said a bomb threat called in to Boston Children’s Hospital after Libs of TikTok tweeted about the hospital’s gender program turned out to be a hoax.

In April, Lorenz wrote a controversial article for the Post revealing the identity of Chaya Raichik, the woman behind Libs of TikTok. Lorenz knocked on the doors of Raichik’s family members in the process of writing the story.

Initially, the Post story linked to Raichik’s real estate license, which showed her name, real estate license number, and possible physical address. The Post removed the link after being accused of doxing Raichik.

Lorenz has whined over and over again about receiving online harassment, doing an interview with MSNBC in which she sobbed her little eyes out over the whole ordeal, going on to claim the hate has given her “severe PTSD.”

I don’t know about you guys, but the mockery of Lorenz by Libs of TikTok is well deserved. Lorenz knows full well that she is out here attempting to attack folks on the right and twist up the comments they give on big topics of the day to make them look all Looney Tunes.

She’s not fooling anyone.

And if she would like to have less harassment online, perhaps she should stop attempting to lie so much and push false narratives, opting instead to share the truth about what’s happening in the country? Just a little food for thought.