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Teachers Union Now Requires White Teachers To Be Booted Before ‘Educators Of Color;’ The Reason Why Is Ridiculous



A teachers union in the state of Minnesota is now requiring that white teachers receive their pink slips for layoffs before “educators of color,” in order to, and I’m being serious here, “remedy the continuing effects of past discrimination by the District.”

Do you still think public schools are a good idea? I think by now most folks have probably seen the truth written on the wall. Public schools, overseen by government entities like the Department of Education, are not places where children are educated but indoctrinated.

Therefore, it’s time to end public education and bring it over to the private sector where parents have far more of a say in who teaches their kids and what they are taught in class.

According to The Daily Wire, Minneapolis Public Schools, also known as MPS, have been experiencing a rather massive decline in students enrolling in their schools — gee, I wonder why? — which has led to a number of teachers with little seniority being handed their pink slips, which is fairly typical in the teaching profession.

But now the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, or MFT, wants to create racial standards to be placed before seniority in order to guarantee “educators of color protections,” according to a report from Alpha News over the weekend.

“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the agreement goes on to say. “Excessing” refers to the reduction of staff.

The agreement then says that teachers of color “may be exempted from district-wide layoffs outside seniority order,” going on to add that the reinstatement of teachers from “underrepresented populations” will then receive priority over white teachers.

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So, the crusaders of progressivism, in their quest to rid the world of the evils of racism, have managed to do just that using their mighty weapon of equality and justice: racism.

Apparently, the racial stipulation was put in place “to remedy the continuing effects of past discrimination by the District.”

The district is punishing people of the present due to their color for things that happened in the past? How, exactly, does that work? You can’t correct a wrong by doing another wrong. That’s common sense.

Speaking to the Star Tribune in June, Edward Barlow, a black teacher from MPS, praised the pending stipulation as a rule that could be used as a national model,” the Daily Wire said.

“It can be a national model, and schools in other states are looking to emulate what we did,” Barlow, who teaches band at Anwatin Middle School and serves as a member of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers executive board said, according to the Tribune’s report. “Even though it doesn’t do everything that we wanted it to do, it’s still a huge move forward for the retention of teachers of color.”

“There’s so much more than seniority at stake here,” he blabbed on. “This is a bigger conversation about working conditions, compensation, and microagressions in the workplace. Those are the pieces that this district also needs to reflect on and make some motions to improve.”

“Researcher Katie Pekel, principal in residence at the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development, boosted the racial standard, too,” the report noted.

“This is a small piece of a larger puzzle,” she went on to say of the contract language. “We would argue that the recruitment and retention of teachers of color is actually predicated on, ‘Do you have a culturally responsive leader and an environment that is humanizing and affirming to those educators?’”