Biden Strikes Down Chinese Peace Proposal As Zelensky Vows to Escalate War if Necessary
As an American, you might think that peace is preferable to nuclear Armageddon on the behalf of some corrupt country in Eastern Europe. That would be sensible, but Team Biden apparently disagrees. Such is shown by the administration’s shooting down of Chinese peace proposals.
The Chinese peace proposal, released after atomic weapons began to be discussed with more seriousness, encourages both parties to find a way to end the conflict and asks the international community to “support Russia and Ukraine in working in the same direction and resuming direct dialogue as quickly as possible”.
The Russian government reacted positively to the peace proposal, though it insisted that any peace agreement involve the acceptance of Russian control over the four eastern oblasts of Ukraine that it controls. The American government and NATO, however, joined Zelensky in having a muted, if not negative response to the peace proposal.
Discussing the peace proposal in an interview with ABC, President Joe Biden said “Putin’s applauding it, so how could it be any good?”
“I’ve seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than Russia, if the Chinese plan were followed.” he added. “The idea that China is going to be negotiating the outcome of a war that’s a totally unjust war for Ukraine is just not rational.”
Zelensky, for his part, indicated that even escalations could occur when he said that Ukraine would “do everything to gain victory this year”.
So, Ukraine and its NATO backers show little intention to find a peaceful resolution even as the Chinese and Russians offer an opportunity to negotiate and avoid further bloodshed or risks of nuclear war.
Meanwhile, American support for the war is increasingly putting our national security at risk. Such was exposed by Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA), who appeared on Newsmax TV’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight” and said:
“I think, fundamentally, right now, what most Americans are struggling with is we want to support Ukraine, we want to see Ukraine win, but we don’t want that to be the priority over our own security and that win come at the expense of our own security. And we’ve got a President right now who seems to be more interested in the security and the borders of Ukraine than our own security and our own borders, in this case, the southern border of the United States. And I don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. They can be both addressed. We can help the Ukrainians survive and win and ultimately take what used to be a peer threat down a few notches, but we can also look after our own security and what concerns me is it’s starting to feel like this is coming at the expense of our own security.”
Continuing, he added “when the secretary of the Navy says, hey, we’ve got to make a choice between Ukrainian security and our own security over the next few months, that raises a lot of red flags. And for me, I want the secretary of defense to explain to Congress how he’s going to make sure that he’s prioritizing our security without compromising that, while he’s clearly focusing on Ukraine right now.”