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“THAT’S A LIE”; GOP Senator Grills Janet Yellen Over Biden Stonewalling Social Security Protections



In a heated exchange during a press conference today, Senator Cassidy pressed Treasury Secretary Yellen on the President’s new economic plan. Biden’s budget proposal for the fiscal year of 2024 includes a number of changes to Social Security, such as increasing benefits for some low-income seniors, creating a new program for family caregivers, and increasing funding for the Social Security Administration.

“Why doesn’t the president care?” Cassidy asked.

“He cares very deeply,” said Yellen.

“Then where is his plan?” asked Cassidy.

She replied, “He stands ready to work with Congress.”

Cassidy: “That’s a lie! A bipartisan group of senators have repeatedly requested to meet with him.”

The proposal has received mixed reactions from lawmakers, with some expressing support for the proposed changes while others have concerns about the potential impact on the federal budget deficit. The proposal will now go through a legislative process before any changes can be implemented.

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