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The Democrat Candidate Who Wanted to “Kill MAGA” Is Now Calling His Opponent “Dangerous”



A good general rule of thumb is that if you’ve called for killing the political opposition, you’ve given up the high ground for attacking your opponent as “dangerous.” But, of course, hypocrisy is the preferred tactic of the left, and so that’s exactly what current Democratic Rep. and Senate candidate Tim Ryan has done in an attempt to attack JD Vance, Ohio’s GOP contender for the open Senate seat.

Rep. Ryan, you see, recently called for killing the MAGA movement in a statement that raised eyebrows everywhere, saying:

The Democrats aren’t right on everything. And I’m willing to sit down and have conversations about how we can move out of this age of stupidity.

Some of those answers will come from Republicans, not the extremists that we are dealing with every single day, we’ve got to kill and confront that movement, but working with normal mainstream Republicans, that’s going to be really, really important.

Well, now that he’s decided to leap into Stalin and Mao territory in terms of dealing with the political opposition, Ryan is attacking Vance as “dangerous” though Vance hasn’t called for the killing of the Democratic Party.

Speaking on that and trying to make Vance look unappealing to squishy, moderate voters, Rep. Ryan said:

It’s absolutely incredible to think that this guy wants to be in the United States Senate. I mean, generally speaking, you’d say, ‘This is a pretty weird guy, you know. This is a weirdo. That’s the problem that we run into today. This guy is not sitting on some bar stool somewhere. This guy is actually running for the United States Senate. He has a bias toward wanting to control. It controls women primarily, whether it’s telling them that if they’re raped, they have to have the rapist’s baby, and that woman who had been raped has to take care of that baby. He thinks that’s a good idea. No exceptions for rape and incest.

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“I mean, this is so extreme. Not to mention that you forgot one big one that we keep talking about here. This guy started a fake charity to help people with opiates and didn’t spend a nickel on anybody. He brought in a spokesperson for big pharma, Purdue Pharma, that does nothing but blame addicts. It’s not Purdue Pharma. They weren’t pushing the pill mills. It’s the addicts’ fault, the people who got hooked. Across the board, this guy is dangerous, and you can’t trust him.

“He has no connections to the workers in Ohio. He said he’s not even comfortable in Ohio. He would rather be drinking wine and eating cheese in San Francisco visiting art galleries.

Though attacked as an elitist by Ryan, Vance is generally well-liked by the anti-elite New Right and has received former President Trump’s endorsement, an endorsement that put him ahead in the polls during Ohio’s contentious primary race.

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