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The Number Of Guns Sold In The U.S. For Record Setting 37 Consecutive Months Is Mind-Blowing



Despite the best efforts of liberal Democrats to try and convince Americans to go against their own interest and support gun control laws that infringe on their Second Amendment rights, folks in the U.S. seem to be more pro-gun than ever. The evidence to support such an assertion comes from the fact that for 37 months now, more than a million civilian firearms have been sold throughout the country. You can hear all of the gun grabbers screaming so hard in rage blood vessels are popping left and right.

A report from Newsmax has revealed that firearm background checks conducted by the FBI exceeded 2.51 million just last month, which is fairly consistent with other summer periods. That number pales in comparison to the 3.08 million background checks that were completed back in Marc. These checks also tend to cover security clearances, concealed carry permits, and agency rechecks.

“August’s figures show there is a clear and steady desire by the American public for lawful firearm ownership,” according to information shared by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade group.

The NSSF statement then went on to say, “Consistently throughout the year, background check figures for firearm sales at retail have put 2022 on pace to be the third strongest year, behind only the outsized years witnessed in 2020 and 2021. August’s figures of 1,286,816 background checks was slightly ahead of July’s that came in at 1,233,115.”

“This also marks 37 months straight of background checks exceeding 1 million. Americans are choosing their gun rights by the millions each month while gun control politicians talk only of efforts to deprive them of their Constitutional rights. They are voting with their wallets. Politicians would be wise to heed to the will of Americans lawfully exercising their Constitutional rights and instead focus their efforts on locking up criminals that misuse firearms,” the NSSF revealed in its statement.

“This also marks 37 months straight of background checks exceeding 1 million. Americans are choosing their gun rights by the millions each month while gun control politicians talk only of efforts to deprive them of their Constitutional rights. They are voting with their wallets. Politicians would be wise to heed to the will of Americans lawfully exercising their Constitutional rights and instead focus their efforts on locking up criminals that misuse firearms,” the NSSF continued.

The whole purpose of the Second Amendment is to protect the God-given right people have to protect their life, liberty, and property from those who would do harm to all three. And that, according to our founding fathers, includes our own federal government. Men like Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson were brilliant in their understanding of human nature.

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These folks knew that anytime mankind was given power over others of its own kind, there was an opportunity to see tyranny rise to the surface. Our Constitution was created with this belief in mind, as it was designed not to chain down the people, but the government. A return to those kinds of principles, ultimately lead to our culture seeing and understanding the Second Amendment and why we need to fight to preserve it.