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“They Truly Want a Totalitarian Society”: Candace Owens Exposes and Demolishes Dems Latest Attack on Free Speech [WATCH]



For those of you that haven’t kept up with the latest anti-white insanity coming out of the Democratic Party, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas, recently introduced a bill that would effectively demolish the freedom of speech of ordinary white people, making “speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non-White person or group” illegal and criminalizing “antagonism based on ‘replacement theory.’”

That insane bill, titled “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023,” is supposedly meant to “prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime and to amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of hate crimes.

And to do so it criminalizes the speech of those who raise real concerns about masses of migrants flooding into America unchecked or even just criticizing non-whites. Insanity.

The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to sound off on the bill and expose the hate-filled, totalitarian influences behind it, telling Tucker “So at the same time that they are addressing these big theoretical macro issues and changing the American criminal justice code to be race-specific, something that has never been, they are ignoring the collapse of the daily life for their constituents.” Watch that here:

That powerful segment began with Tucker asking Candace “You see this everywhere, what is it?

Candace, responding, told Tucker “We don’t know what it is. It does seem to be a very strange collision and seeing her put this forth, I am incredulous. Selfishly, I’d like to see it go in place for just one day because it would be brilliant for black conservatives. Because every single democrat would fall on their sword. Of course, they reserve the most hatred, the most vitriol for black conservatives. People like myself, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas.”

Continuing, Candace said the bill as written doesn’t even make any sense given its ostensible goals, saying:

They would all be locked up federally, let me trust you if this actually got put in place. I think this also yields more questions for me.

“I’m looking at this and I’m going ‘what are they possibly thinking? How could this work?’ What about black-on-black criticism? Would they lock me up for saying something like ‘Sheila Jackson is fundamentally a low-IQ, hateful individual?’ I’m just saying that I don’t want to go to prison. I’m giving you a what-if scenario. If I did say that would I go to prison?

Still that wasn’t all. Continuing, she then said And how is this going to run parallel to their decriminalization efforts, right? They don’t want any black or brown in prison. They want them all to be on the street but at the same time, they would lock us up. And by the way, would this extend to an overseas policy? Would I be locked up if I said anything bad about the late Osama Bin Laden? Of course, this wasn’t well thought through because this doesn’t need to be.”

That was when Candace got to her main point, which is that the intent of the bill is to crack down on speech they dislike, using the full weight of the government to censor those with whom they disagree. In her words:

We know that their every effort is aimed at censoring speech. The Democrats know that in order for them to be omnipotent they need to be able to control words because if they can control words they can control thoughts.

“Ultimately, what they are after is brainwashing. And by the way, they have been really good at brainwashing. You have people who are graduating from Harvard who actually believe that men can be women and women can be men and all we have to do is change our minds. They know exactly what they are doing, they know exactly what they are after and ultimately what they want is full power and control over every single person and their household.

Featured image credit: screengrab from embedded video